UDIA meets with Minister for Water

UDIA representatives met with the Minister for Water Hon. Dave Kelly MLA on Wednesday to highlight the water issues relevant to our membership. Items for discussion included the industry’s contributions to date to achieving positive environmental and urban water outcomes and the need for government agencies to better support this; the need for a whole of government position and support for innovative water recycling initiatives; the need for more streamlining of approval processes; DWER resourcing and approval times; and how the state government intends to progress the Peel-Harvey Catchment and wetlands.

UDIA looks forward to continuing to work positively with the Minister and relevant agencies on these issues moving forward.

UDIA Boardroom Luncheon with Minister Peter Tinley

UDIA hosted the first in a new series of Development Industry Boardroom Luncheons today.  The luncheons are intended to provide an opportunity for senior industry and government representatives to engage in an informal discussion about the urban development goals that we have in common, and how these can achieved through greater collaboration and new ways of thinking.

Today, the Hon. Peter Tinley, Minister for Housing participated in an open and frank discussion centred around the future development of Perth as a liveable city; the achievement of a connected city and residential density; the importance of METRONET; better urban design; mechanisms to support low income families into appropriate housing; and opportunities to achieve improved housing affordability.

Thank you to Minister Tinley for his participation and to Stockland for sponsoring the luncheon.  UDIA looks forward to growing the boardroom luncheon series across a range of members and topics.

Federal funding boost for WA infrastructure

The Prime Minister was in town last Friday and announced significant federal infrastructure funding for WA that will be allocated in the upcoming federal budget. The $3.2 billion package, combined with state funding, will be used to further implement METRONET including construction of the Morley-Ellenbrook Line and extension of the Armadale Line to Byford.

Works will also include major road extensions and upgrades, the Myalup-Wellington Dam Project and GST top up payments towards WA hospital infrastructure.

UDIA has welcomed the funding, stating that it will assist with further easing WA’s challenging economic climate. UDIA has been advocating for years for greater investment in Perth’s transport infrastructure.  It is critical to ensuring Perth maintains parity with other capital cities and can become a smarter, more creative, prosperous and liveable place which attracts the best of the best to WA.

See our media statement for more details here.

See more details on the federal funding initiative here.

Housing affordability snapshot

Monday’s Anglicare Rental Affordability Snapshot has provided yet more evidence that the state government must leave property taxes alone this state budget.  The report found that there is very little affordable housing available to those that need it most.

Therefore, UDIA has called on the state government not to treat the property market as an easy target for revenue raising, particularly emphasising that there should be no increases to land tax rates or stamp duty included in the budget.

Looking at the longer term, UDIA’s state budget submission has also recommended that the State Government undertake a comprehensive review of state based property taxes, including land tax and stamp duty regimes, with consideration given to the establishment of a broader based land tax system which distributes property taxes more equitably, during this term of government.

Anglicare report can be found here.

UDIA’s budget submission here.

METRONET Private Sector Reference Group meets for first time

UDIA Councillor Jeremy Cordina represented UDIA at the first METRONET Private Sector Reference Group (PSRG) in mid-April.

The State Government recognises METRONET’s success will lie in the public and private sector working together.

This Group will provide the METRONET Taskforce, chaired by the Minister for Transport, Planning, Lands and Heritage, with a better understanding of the opportunities and constraints associated with the METRONET objective to deliver integrated and innovative land-use outcomes.

In the first Private Sector Reference Group meeting, the METRONET Office provided an update on the Stage One projects, market analysis to determine development appetite for each precinct and early development of a precinct implementation strategy.

Waterwise developments announced

The latest two UDIA EnviroDevelopments recognised under the Water Corporations’ Waterwise Development Program were announced on Wednesday. Those projects certified under the Water Element of UDIA’s EnviroDevelopment accreditation program are automatically eligible to be recognised as a Waterwise Development.

Congratulations to LandCorp’s Shoreline at North Coogee and Rockingham Industrial Zone for achieving Waterwise Development status.

Rockingham Industrial Zone is the first industrial development to be recognised by the program.

More information on EnviroDevelopment and the Waterwise Development program can be found here.

Check out the picture from the event on our Facebook page here.

The future of housing construction in WA – we want your ideas!

Following a recent UDIA breakfast event on the topic “What does the future of residential construction look like?”, it has been suggested Industry needs to come up with a different term to reference “lightweight” construction, so that we are not inadvertently disadvantaging this type of construction method by using a term that may have negative connotations for some people.

We would welcome our member’s feedback on what you believe the terminology should be.

You can participate in our brief survey here.  It should only take about 1 minute to complete!  We look forward to reporting back on the outcomes.

Contribute to UDIA’s advocacy work

UDIA is in the process of drafting submissions on the following items.  We welcome feedback from members to inform our submissions:

Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) for groundwater clean-up. Feedback requested by Monday June 4.  More information here.

Discussion paper – Controlled Waste Review. Feedback requested by Monday June 4. More information here.

FINAL CALL: Draft position statement for Housing on Lots less than 100m2. Feedback requested by Wed 9 May. More information here.

Clean and uncontaminated fill no longer subject to licensing as landfill premises

Based on consultation with industry representatives, including UDIA, the State Government has amended regulations to ensure sites that accept only clean fill and uncontaminated fill – that meet environmental and health thresholds after testing – are not licensed as a landfill premises or liable for the waste levy.

The Minister for Environment says the use of clean fill and uncontaminated fill will promote recycling, increase diversion from landfill, provide certainty for development and reduce costs.

The Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996 (as amended 2018) contain an amended definition of clean fill and a new definition for uncontaminated fill (including threshold limits for physical and chemical contaminants).

More information here.

Westin launches in Perth

UDIA was pleased to attend the official launch of the five-star Westin hotel in Perth on Friday. Located on the eastern side of the CBD, at 28 levels and 386 rooms, the Westin is a significant element of the impressive Hibernian Place precinct being developed by BGC Development on the former Perth Fire Station site.

The development includes Garum Restaurant by celebrity chef Guy Grossi, Offshoot coffee roastery by Mary Street Bakery, Arthur & Co dining and rooftop bar Hadiqa. The commercial office space is home to Uber’s Perth headquarters.

BGC Australia Director Sam Buckeridge said at the event that the Westin is the first newly built five star hotel in Perth’s CBD since 1983 when the Hyatt in East Perth was built.

CityPulse Perth highlights state of our city

PwC Australia has published their CityPulse analysis which provides a fact base for the current ‘state of our city’ and an accurate picture of how we ‘live, work and play’.  The publication identifies which areas within Greater Perth provide most ready access to the things that contribute to make our lives easier and better and where the opportunities are for better planning and investment.

Some of the recommendations from CityPulse include the need to reform the land tenure and planning system to promote more affordable housing alternatives; delivery of a light rail component of METRONET phase 2; and maximising the potential redevelopment of Fremantle as part of the Westport outer harbour project.

The full report can be downloaded here.

City of Kalamunda – Forrestfield North LSP

The City of Kalamunda has released their draft Forrestfield North: Residential Precinct Draft Local Structure Plan for public comment until Monday 2 July 2018. The LSP area is located in close proximity to the Forrestfield Airport Link, a key METRONET infrastructure project currently under construction.

Key features of the plan include medium-high density residential zonings from R60 to R100, new road connections, local open space and drainage reserves, a community hub and primary school.

More information and a copy of the draft can be found here. Any feedback to inform a UDIA submission can be sent to policy@udiawa.com.au

GST withholding: Update and free Member briefing

UDIA has been coordinating with the Australian Institute of Conveyancers (AIC) to facilitate a smooth transition for our members to the new GST withholding regime that will come into effect soon. The AIC has provided the following update that may be of interest to our members:

The Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No. 1) Bill 2018 was passed on 29 March.  Under Schedule 5 of the Bill, purchasers of real estate may be required to withhold GST on the purchase price of new residential premises and new residential subdivisions and remit the GST directly to the ATO on settlement.

Generally, these new rules apply to contracts entered into on or after 1 July 2018.

It does not affect the sales of existing residential properties or the sales of new or existing commercial properties.


For impacted property transactions:

  • The purchaser will receive a written notification from the supplier (vendor) including:
    – the amount to be withheld,
    – the name and ABN of the developer,
    – the GST inclusive market value of any non-monetary consideration and any other matters that are specified in the regulations.
  • The purchaser or their representative will withhold the specified amount from the total purchase price and pay this directly to the ATO on or before settlement. The balance of the price will be paid to the supplier.
  • The purchaser or their representative will be required to complete two new ATO online forms.
  • A penalty levied on the purchaser for non-payment of the GST to the ATO is expected to ensure high rates of compliance.
  • The supplier can incur a penalty if they fail to give the required notice in writing to the purchaser.

An ATO conveyancer/solicitor guide on GST at settlement will be developed over the coming months and will be made available from the ATO website.

To find out more about these changes visit the ATO website.

UDIA Member briefing:

UDIA is hosting a free seminar on Thursday 24 May for members who wish to receive an update on the recent legislation passed by the Federal Parliament to introduce a GST withholding scheme.  For more details for this event, download the flyer here.  Please note that places are limited and RSVPs are essential.

City of Stirling LPS out for comment

The City of Stirling has released its ‘Draft Local Planning Strategy’ for feedback. The strategy aims to prioritise growth and investment in activity centres and along transport corridors and improve ways to link land use and transport.

More information can be found here.

Dwelling approvals rise nationally 

The number of dwellings approved in Australia rose in March 2018 in trend terms, with a 0.2 per cent rise, according to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today. The trend estimate for private sector houses approved rose 0.8% in March.  The trend estimate of the value of total building approved fell 0.6% in March and has fallen for six months.

The trend estimate for total number of dwelling units approved in Western Australia fell 6.7% in March. The trend estimate for the number of private sector houses fell 2.1% in March and has fallen for 10 months.

More information here.