The best in the West
Each year the UDIA WA Awards for Excellence highlight the very best projects in the urban development industry from across Western Australia. This prestigious awards program is widely regarded as the pinnacle for the urban development industry in terms of achievement in community creation, innovation and sustainability. The award winners and finalists represent the very best urban development projects delivered within Western Australia, and are reflective of the growth of best practices and industry as a whole.
If you are looking to buy into a quality development, then look no further than the UDIA awards for excellence finalists and winning projects highlighted in the 2024 Awards for Excellence Winners Showcase magazine, here.
2024 Winners

Russel Perry Award for Urban Excellence
Marine Views Cottesloe, Curin Heritage Living

Judges Award
Murdoch Square, Hesperia & Aegis Health

Judges Award
Marketing at Kennedy Bay, Parcel Property

Apartments (High-Rise)
Civic Heart, Finbar

Aparments (Mid-Rise)
East Village, Blackburne

Boutique Development
Dalkeith Terraces, Westbridge Urban

The Grove Residences, Blackburne

Diversity in Development
Construction Training Fund, Construction Training Fund

Local Government Authority of the Year
Delivering Collaborative, Sustainable, Liveable and Memorable Growth, Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

West Village, Blackburne

Masterplanned Communinities
Stockland Whiteman Edge, Stockland

Residential Subdivision
Myella, Wanneroo, Satterley

Seniors Living
Marine Views Cottesloe, Curtin Heritage Living

Shire of Dardanup New Library, Administration & Community Building, Shire of Dardanup

Team of the Year
Wormall Group, Wormall Group

Team of the Year
Cirque Duet, Erben

Urban Renewal
Civic Heart, Finbar