About EnviroDevelopment
EnviroDevelopment is a nationally recognised certification and branding system providing independent verification of a development project’s sustainability performance. Certification recognises projects that achieve exceptional sustainability outcomes whilst also providing an edge for developers looking to differentiate their project.
EnviroDevelopment has been guiding and certifying development projects for over 10 years – with more than 125 projects certified across Australia. With the appetite for incorporating innovative and sustainable features growing, we are seeing a record number of developers applying for certification.
Development projects can seek certification in up to six elements, also known as ‘leaves’, including Ecosystems, Waste, Energy, Materials, Water and Community.
For more information, head to the EnviroDevelopment website here.
EnviroDevelopment is applicable to a diverse range of situations and development types, including:
- Masterplanned Communities
- Residential Subdivisions
- Seniors Living
- Multi-Unit Residential
- Mixed Use
- Industrial
- Retail
- Education
- Health and Aged Care
When purchasers see the EnviroDevelopment logo, they are assured the project is an industry leader. The logo system empowers purchasers to make informed decisions on whether a development offers the features they value and have aspiration for, particularly as EnviroDevelopment provides a framework to clearly articulate consumer benefits.
In addition to accessing an effective communication tool to help inform consumers and tenants of the innovative and sustainable initiatives of the development; Certification provides a third party verification for external stakeholders whilst the EnviroDevelopment Standards provide an opportunity to measure a project’s performance.
Waterwise Developments
In WA, EnviroDevelopment’s are also recognised under the Water Corporation’s highly regarded Waterwise brand. A well-established partnership between the organisations provides great benefit to developers with an automatic pathway to project endorsement as a Waterwise Development. A Waterwise Development is recognised as delivering exceptional water efficiency outcomes as a water sensitive development. EnviroDevelopment’s that achieve a Water leaf certification are eligible to join this program with all the benefits associated with recognition. The Waterwise logo is a well-known and regarded achievement amongst consumers and within industry and government.
For more on EnviroDevelopment, including the objectives and targets for each of the six elements and a link to the National Standards, visit envirodevelopment.com.au
For more on the Waterwise Development program visit the Water Corporation’s page.
UDIA WA is proud to present our new magazine showcasing excellence in EnviroDevelopment
The EnviroDevelopment certification scheme is a scientifically-based branding system designed to make it easier for purchasers to recognise and select more environmentally sustainable homes and lifestyles.
Find out more about a variety of EnviroDevelopment projects from around the country that are raising the bar in relation to environmental sustainability.
This edition also includes key insights into gaining EnviroDevelopment accreditation and the advantages it can have for your business.
Further Information
Articles and References
EnviroDevelopment Certification
Business Case for EnviroDevelopment Certification. Overview of the EnviroDevelopment program and potential benefits to developers, project teams, government and community.
Developer Factsheets
Factsheets provide an overview of the benefits to the developer and tips on how best to achieve each element.
EnviroDevelopment Survey Findings (2013)
Factsheet on a 2013 survey of developers using the EnviroDevelopment branding.
Smart Waste Guide
A guide for builders, subcontractors and clients to help avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle waste.
Websites and Links
Western Power
Information and examples on innovative energy solutions in WA.
Water Corporation
Information on water efficiency programs including the Waterwise Development endorsement.
CRC Water Sensitive Cities
Research centre to help revolutionise urban water management.
CRC Low Carbon Living
National research and innovation hub for a low carbon built environment sector.
Josh’s House
Showcases benefits of sustainable housing to the community through demonstration and inspiration.