The Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA WA) has welcomed the expansion of the State Government’s Housing Diversity Pipeline program to allow developers to propose sites for the delivery of new homes on government owned ‘lazy land’. 

The announcement comes off the back of UDIA WA recommendations for Government to work with industry to identify and more rapidly release government sites for the creation of diverse and affordable homes. 

“This latest Expression of Interest phase is a critical step in further addressing the State’s housing supply crisis,” UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck said. 

“On behalf of industry, UDIA WA recommended that providing the opportunity for private developers to identify appropriate government land for residential development, would ensure that viable sites are selected that can facilitate more housing on the ground, faster,” Ms Steinbeck said.

“We are pleased that the State Government has listened to our advice, given we believe the private sector is best placed to deliver the housing supply we need quickly and efficiently,” Ms Steinbeck said.

Ms Steinbeck advised that UDIA WA has been actively engaging with the Department of Treasury Housing Supply Unit to ensure a workable EOI process that will result in a positive outcome for housing delivery, given the previous phase did not gain significant traction.

“The goal of our proposal was to ensure an efficient and fit-for-purpose process to enable land and dwelling supply to be delivered to the market as rapidly as possible, while minimising risks and increasing certainty for both Government and industry proponents”, Ms Steinbeck said. 

Under the expanded program, the State Government will consider any developer-led proposals for new housing on its lazy land, provided it is not already earmarked for future roads, schools or other amenity or subject to a first mover advantage situation with negotiations underway prior to the opening of the program.

Infrastructure Development Fund 

UDIA WA also welcomed the announcement that several new apartment projects will receive funding under the Government’s existing Infrastructure Development Fund.

However, the Institute has called on the Government to expand the fund into an Infrastructure Catalyst Fund to make a more meaningful impact on apartment project feasibility in a range of areas. 

“Given we are still seeing record low numbers of new apartment projects getting off the ground in Western Australia, we believe an expanded fund that allows for reimbursement of a range of statutory fees and charges, broader than headworks, would be a very welcome support,” Ms Steinbeck said. 

UDIA WA State Election Campaign 

Today’s announcements follow the release of UDIA WA’s 2025 State Election Campaign last week, that outlines a clear set of priorities for the next State Government to work collaboratively with industry on, in relation to addressing the housing crisis. 

“UDIA WA is pleased that the State Government is continuing to listen and respond to concerns around housing supply constraints,” Ms Steinbeck said. 

“Today’s announcements are another step forward and we continue to engage with Government on other essential policy and investment priorities to deliver more diverse housing options to ensure all Western Australians have a roof over their head,” Ms Steinbeck said. 

“Quality and diverse new homes are urgently needed right across the housing continuum, this includes for rental and ownership across a range of housing types, sizes, and price points, in new and existing areas”

“Our specific recommendations in our State Election Campaign are focused on actions required now, to support immediate housing supply and to set WA up for a more sustainable forward pipeline”, Ms Steinbeck said. 

Property tax reform, cutting red and green tape and investing in enabling infrastructure all form part of the campaign. 
