Australian Broadcast Corporation Australian house prices have risen for a sixth straight quarter, according to analysis by Domain. Over the June quarter, new record prices were set in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. And with a 7 per cent annual rise in homes on the market, sellers maintained their confidence in the strength of the […]

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West Australian A $1 billion-plus masterplan has been unveiled, showcasing a green and vibrant riverfront oasis that would totally transform the city and make it rival east coast capitals. City of Perth councillors have boldly proposed a major transformation of the 2.2km riverfront stretch of land — including the CBD’s most famous expanse of grass […]

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The Australian Farmers, miners, property developers and major employers are demanding Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek rule out using a climate trigger as a bargaining chip to establish a new green cop to protect Australia’s environment, warning such a move could “blow up” local investments and jeopardise the government’s Future Made in Australia agenda. “They should draw a […]

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The West Australian WA’s explosive population growth rivals that of the top-10 fastest-growing countries in the world for 2023, prompting calls for small-scale housing development to be turbocharged to meet demand. The latest ABS figures show the State’s population surged by 3.3 per cent in the year ending December 2023 — the fastest growth rate […]

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The West Australian The latest population figures, which show Perth had the biggest jump in population growth last year, have prompted calls to expedite the State Government’s proposal to expand the city’s ferry system. Australian Bureau of Statistics data revealed Perth’s population increased by 3.6 per cent last financial year, with more than 81,000 people […]

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Business News Witchcliffe Ecovillage has won the major prize at the Urban Development Institute of Australia national awards. The housing project, delivered by Perron Group’s development arm and Mike Hulme’s Sustainable Settlements, was recognised as one of the most sustainable urban developments in the world. Described as the culmination of a 22-year association between Mr Hulme […]

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The West Australian WA projects have dominated national urban development awards, with One Subiaco tower recognised as the nation’s best apartment high-rise and Witchcliffe ecovillage deemed the best overall project in the country. WA projects won four categories in the prestigious Urban Development Institute of Australia awards in Melbourne on Wednesday night. It is considered […]

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The Property Tribune There are many reasons why Western Australia needs a greater diversity of housing across the continuum. Affordability, shrinking family sizes, aging population, environmental constraints and supply issues all factor into the equation when it comes to the growing need to deliver a range of housing choices to suit different household’s needs. According […]

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ABC News Perth’s inner-city schools are bursting at the seams due to increasing enrolments and parents are angered the state government’s upgrades to the aging infrastructure aren’t doing enough to ease the problem. Put simply, the significant stress on aging school infrastructure is the unintended problem child of poor town planning. “There is a significant […]

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