From the CEO
Even a fool is wise after the event.
Whilst hindsight is a wonderful thing, it is fascinating how many lessons learnt are not then acted upon to avoid repeating mistakes of the past. When it comes to policy making, the conventional approach of years gone by is in question as the world tackles immense challenges that impact across many or all traditional government portfolios.
Silos are out, ‘whole of government approach’ is in. We know silos are the cause of much delay, duplication and frustration with those that interact with our policy and regulatory systems yet it seems governments in general are rather attached to them. This thoughtful opinion piece by Huw McKay in the AFR discusses the need for an Integrated Strategy Office (ISO) to be established to join the dots, connect the silos and provide informed and considered solutions to complex issues such as climate change, AI and our ageing population.
Published by ANZSOG last year, the argument for a multiple lens approach to policy design and delivery integrating hindsight, foresight and insight was made as was the fact that there are clear capability gaps in being able to do this effectively in our public sector.
The big issues of today will not be addressed using the structures of yesterday. Short-termism is rife, those quick wins and low-hanging fruit give the instant yet deceiving impression of solving the problem. Systemic issues such as our inability to adequately house all that live in our great country won’t be fixed with three, four or five year band-aids.
Solutions to wicked problems such as these require a true bipartisan approach to housing policy that endures beyond the electoral cycle and beyond populist policy making. It must be informed by lessons of the past, opportunities in the future and deep cross-portfolio insights that can only be found by ignoring bureaucratic boundaries.
Now we just need the bold, brave and insightful to make it happen.
Tanya Steinbeck
UDIA WA Chief Executive Officer
First fixed term DAP members appointed
UDIA WA welcomed the news today that five fixed term and 12 sessional specialist DAP members have been appointed as part of the State Government’s ongoing planning reform agenda.
The reform of Development Assessment Panels has been a high priority on UDIA WA’s advocacy agenda in relation to ongoing planning reform to facilitate more transparent and consistent decision making. Changes to the DAPs system came into effect on 1 March 2024 and include the establishment of three panels, covering all of the State, employment of qualified and experienced full-time specialist members, and removal of mandatory application thresholds for a completely opt-in development assessment pathway process for developments over $2 million (or any development by a CHP).
UDIA WA was pleased to be part of the short-listing process for the new members, and we congratulate them on their appointment.
The new Regular Specialist DAP Members, who will be fixed-term, full time panel members, are:
- Ms Dale Page
- Ms Karen Hyde
- Mr Eugene Koltasz
- Ms Francesca Lefante
- Mr Clayton Higham
These new members will commence sitting on panel meetings in September. Importantly, the new appointments reflect diversity in terms of demographics and experience (across private, Local and State Government).
More information including the Sessional Specialist DAP members, who are experienced professionals from a range of technical fields of importance to determining development applications, can be found here.
Perth New Apartment Market Keeps Picking up Pace
Due to higher average prices and an increase in sales, the value of total apartment sales in Perth for 2024 has totaled over $1bn in value according to a recent Urbis study. Across a sample size of 64 surveys Urbis Apartment Essentials data recorded 299 sales for the second quarter of 2024, the highest since Q1 2022.
According to Urbis Director David Cresp “at the end of 2024 we expect close to 2,600 apartments to be completed”, providing a “real boost to housing supply”. However, with 74% of surveyed stock sold, more apartments need to come to market to keep momentum going. This quarter has recorded a low of 441 apartments launched across six projects.
“There has been an uptick in quality over quantity when it comes to the apartment market,” Mr Cresp said. “Developers have been trying to get the most bang for their buck” following an overall trend of focusing on the high to premium apartment market over the past five years, however, “the dynamic is shifting a bit in 2024, with close to 70% of new launches targeted at mid-market or lower. This compares to 40% in 2023, and only 28% in 2022.”
While down from the 61% of sales in the previous quarter, owner-occupier sales have dominated the market with 48% of apartment sales. Local investors have made up 38% of sales.
UDIA WA has a clear focus on supporting the apartment sector as part of our State Election Campaign addressing the current housing supply crisis, read more about our solutions-based recommendations here.
Policy Team in Action
On Wednesday morning, UDIA WA met with Minister Reece Whitby and his Chief of Staff to brief them on UDIA WA’s priorities for the upcoming State Election and how they relate to his portfolio. Discussion focussed on the ongoing challenges of delivery across the housing continuum and included UDIA WA’s recommendations for:
- Delivering a more strategic and efficient environmental approvals framework;
- Supporting the housing industry in the response to climate change; and
- Planning and investing in infrastructure to accelerate housing delivery.
There was good discussion around regional planning and the need for a strategic plan and fund for offsets and rehabilitation, as well as around greater involvement of EPA Services in strategic planning and enhanced collaboration between EPA/DWER and WAPC/DPLH.
We have welcomed the engagement with the Minister to date on matters pertaining to his Environment, Climate Action and Energy portfolios and look forward to continuing our engagement around these critical matters moving forward.
Following this meeting, UDIA WA attended an EPA Stakeholder Reference Group meeting and briefings on emerging EPA guidance around cumulative impact assessment and a review commissioned by DWER of the cost recovery fees and charges. UDIA WA will be engaging further on this, and we look forward to ensuring the input of our members is considered as part of the process.
Outlook Quiz winners revealed!
Pushing the venue to full capacity, the Outlook Quiz Night was a fantastic event with a great turn out!
The evening began with a welcome from Gia Barrington, Outlook Committee chair, before passing over to the Quiz Master.
Made up of three rounds; Around the world, Sports and General Knowledge plus multiple spot prizes up for grabs, the quiz was filled to the brim.
Stantec took first place, followed by Lavan in second. Third place was a draw between CLE and Vision Surveys Consulting, and what better way to settle a tiebreaker than with a dance battle! After both teams pulled out some questionable dance moves, Vision Surveys Consulting took the prize for third place.
Huge thanks to our events sponsors; Parcel Property and Underground Power Development.
A special thanks to Other Side of Nowhere Brewery for hosting us and providing delicious food & beverages.
You can view photos from the event here.
Super Early Bird Closes Saturday!
Presented by NBN Australia from the 17th – 19th March 2025, National Congress will be upon us before we know it!
Get in quick because the super Early Bird for National Congress closes Saturday 31 August! Don’t miss your chance to secure the biggest savings of the year. Secure your spot at UDIA National Congress and enjoy exclusive discounts at the brand-new The Star Brisbane.
Book today and ensure you get the best rates and accommodation before they’re gone!
UDIA broadens Professional Development Opportunities
UDIA WA have been hard at work creating and updating our range of professional development courses available to our members and the broader development industry. In addition to routinely refreshing our regular courses – Built Form Development and our 6 Day Foundations of Property Development – we established a Professional Development Operational Committee this year to support, promote and develop continuous improvement opportunities and high professional standards within the industry.
With guidance from our new committee and thoroughly researching the needs of our members, UDIA WA has introduced a range of new Professional Development courses that are either available now for registration or will be available in the coming months.
New courses include our one-day Introduction to Medium Density Development that will run for a second time this September, along with the brand-new Emerging Leaders Program that ties in a one day leadership course with six months of professional mentoring.
To find out more about all of the Professional Development opportunities that UDIA WA has on offer, that are all tailored specifically to the WA property industry, visit here