UDIA in Action
UDIA WA President Col Dutton and CEO Tanya Steinbeck were pleased to meet with Planning and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti and new Housing and Local Government Minister John Carey yesterday to discuss their portfolios and how we can work collaboratively on a range of issues. It was an extremely positive meeting and great to discuss what is on the government’s agenda in the first weeks and months following the election.
This week has been a busy week for UDIA’s Policy and Research team who have attended Nature Link Perth’s Strategic Network Meeting at the newly opened Bushfire Centre of Excellence on Monday. Staying with bushfire the team also attended DPLH’s Bushfire Technical Working Group on Monday.
UDIA hosted a session with a range of government stakeholders on Tuesday to discuss issues regarding kangaroo management and explored opportunities for greater consistency and collaboration in managing kangaroos in greenfield development areas.
The second round of UDIA’s 2021 committee meetings started this week with the Environment Committee meeting on Tuesday and Infrastructure meeting on Wednesday receiving presentations from the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI) and ATCO Gas.
To round out the week, we are very excited to host our first Industry Luncheon for 2021 tomorrow featuring a keynote from well-known political commentator Peter Van Onselen along with a panel of experts including Gareth Parker (6PR), Julie-ann Sprague (AFR) and Gavin Hegney.
Look forward to seeing many of you there!
UDIA’s RAP Working Group Kicks Off
UDIA Council has endorsed the preparation of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). As a first step, UDIA has established a RAP working group to lead the process, with the first meeting held this week to discuss the intent, purpose and possible opportunities for UDIA’s RAP.
To help guide the preparation of the action plan, the Working Group, together with UDIA’s State Council, Industry Workforce and Diversity Committee and staff will shortly undertake cultural awareness training whilst the Working Group together with the Diversity Committee will undertake further research exploring opportunities for the RAP.
Kangaroo Management: UDIA/Government Agencies Working Group
UDIA WA hosted a workshop with a range of Government representatives including DPLH, DBCA, WALGA and the City of Wanneroo together with key developer representatives to discuss issues regarding the management of kangaroos in greenfield development areas this week.
The session was held following the adoption of a Position Statement on Kangaroo Management in late 2020. The Working Group agreed that a more consistent and collaborative approach between all stakeholders was needed, together with improved early intervention and ongoing management to minimise animal welfare issues.
The Working Group also identified the need for further research to guide the delivery of best practice and improve community understanding of the issues regarding kangaroo management.
Final designs revealed for WACA Ground
The State Government has released vision today for the WACA Ground Improvement Project, which will transform the iconic East Perth venue into a community, sporting and tourist hub.
The project is being funded by both the Federal and State governments, the WACA and Cricket Australia.
The final design illustrates how the original home of cricket in WA will become a sustainable boutique community and sporting venue, capable of hosting 10,000 people to bring vibrancy to the East Perth precinct.
The facility will support community use year-round, adding much-needed amenity for the growing CBD population.
The development will also facilitate a new state-of-the-art inner city swimming pool.
The Western Australian Cricket Association anticipates early works will start before the beginning of the 2021-22 cricket season, with completion expected for early 2024.
More here
UDIA Policy role advertised
UDIA WA is seeking a full time Policy Officer. The new role will be responsible for supporting the Director of Policy and Research in achieving the objectives of the Institute’s policy and research agenda, and the coordination of the EnviroDevelopment program in Western Australia.
To find out more and apply visit here.
Design matters: medium density symposium
The Association of Consulting Architects (ACA), in collaboration with Open House Perth, will present a special Medium Density Symposium at WA Museum Boola Bardip on March 31.
Following the release of the draft Medium Density Policy by the WA State Government, the symposium will bring together representatives from government, architecture & design, planning and the development industry to present a united vision for Perth’s future density.
UDIA WA Vice President Jeremy Cordina will participate on the panel.
For more information and tickets visit this link.
Site security update
GPS tracking of high-risk assets continues to get results. PACT investigators tracked a hot water unit stolen from a BGC Housing Group construction site in Armadale at 0210 hrs 24/3/21. Investigators followed the stolen property to a residential address in Armadale and liaised with local Police, who immediately attended, recovered the property and arresting an adult male. Police seized installed CCTV footage at the offender’s home after it showed the male returning with the stolen property in his arms. More information HERE