From the CEO
This week we continue to make headway in resolving member issues with power infrastructure and the implementation of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act.
UDIA WA met with members of the Western Power leadership team this morning to continue to monitor and understand the key blockages contributing to delays in the processing of DCRs and energisation. There is certainly a shared understanding of the key contributing factors and we are hopeful of a solution in the next couple of weeks that will seek to reduce the delays in particular around DCRs in the short term. Acknowledging there are many factors at play, we continue to prioritise this on your behalf.
The lack of clarity and misinformation around the implementation of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act continues to cause not only our industry but many others significant confusion and is unfortunately adding cost and delay to the provision of much needed housing supply. Whilst UDIA has always and continues to be clear that we support the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage, there are fundamental issues with the Act and its supporting Management Code and Regulations that cannot be ignored or dismissed in the context of its impact on the provision of housing.
UDIA is urgently and proactively engaging with other key industry bodies to form an aligned position on what needs to be rectified as a matter of utmost importance. Through my participation in the State Government’s Implementation Group this position will be reinforced.
In the hours spare we are finalising our submission on the draft policy on Public Open Space which won’t be holding back when it comes to the unintended consequences on built form project viability and housing affordability. Add to that continuing to highlight the issues with the Medium Density Code on the provision of housing in relation to R30, R25 in both a greenfields and infill context.
The power of persistence is front of mind, as I see it is for the Federal Government in re-introducing legislation yesterday to give effect to the Housing Australia Future Fund. It is pleasing to hear the Prime Minister acknowledge and prioritise supply & planning reform over misguided and unrealistic calls for rental caps which are a State-based call in any case.
Let’s hope common sense prevails over politics for the sake of thousands who need an attainable roof over their head.
The Urbanist LIVE with Samantha Thompson
UDIA WA are delighted to release the latest episode of The Urbanist LIVE featuring an in-depth discussion about the future challenges and opportunities for Perth’s urban growth as we celebrate 50 years representing the development industry here in WA.
This episode, our host Tanya Steinbeck interviews Samantha Thompson, following her recent appointment to Managing Director of Taylor Burrell Barnett.
TBB are one of WA’s leading urban planners and recently reached their own 50 year milestone, so it was timely to sit down and have a chat about all things planning and development from Sam’s knowledgeable perspective.
Congratulations once again to Sam and the rest of the leaders at TBB, we look forward to continuing our long and successful partnership.
You can listen to this episode here.
Urban Intelligence
On Monday UDIA WA released the latest edition of our monthly Urban Intelligence report, which includes the latest round up of key stats and facts impacting the property and development industry in WA.
This month’s edition includes a feature article exploring the recent uptick in residential investor activity across Western Australia and the impact of this on the market by Executive Manager Research, Toby Adams. The edition also includes the latest Land Snapshot data, house and land settlement data and economic trends, including building approvals and lending indicators.
You can access the latest edition by logging in here.
Time is running out – register to discuss Perth’s future
Join us at our August Industry Luncheon as we delve into the challenges and opportunities in relation to Perth’s development into a future ready, resilient city.
With the impact of issues such as climate change, population growth, pandemic, supply chain disruptions, cyberattacks (to name just a few of the challenges on our doorstep) today’s ‘new normal’ means responding to these challenges in the planning, design and execution of new development.
What does this mean for the property industry in Perth and regional Western Australia?
This event will consider bigger picture issues in a WA context and provide practical advice and information for the local industry.
Join Sara Stace, Director of Cities at WSP and a panel of local industry experts including Phil Helberg, CEO of Infrastructure WA and Natalie Busch, WA Managing Principal at Hassell as they explore:
- The challenges facing urban development in Perth in the next 30 – 50 years
- Applying the 30 minute city and 15 minute neighbourhood concepts to Perth
- How the WA property industry can act now to contribute to future ready cities in both greenfield and infill contexts
- Key priorities to focus on now from an industry and government policy perspective to foster action and innovation for the future
- Strategic infrastructure priorities for Perth/ WA to ensure we are future ready
Register for the event here but be quick as registrations close on Friday 11 August.
Big thanks to Event Sponsor Glen McLeod Legal and Networking Partner for supporting this event.
RBA holds rates for second consecutive month
The Reserve Bank has left interest rates on hold for two consecutive months for the first time since it started raising them in May last year.
The RBA’s cash rate target will remain at 4.1% following Tuesday’s board meeting.
Despite holding the rate for the second consecutive month, the current rate for the official cash rate is still at its highest level since 2012.
In announcing the decision RBA Governor Philip Lowe said some further tightening of monetary policy may be required to ensure that inflation returns to target in a reasonable timeframe, but that will depend upon the data and the evolving assessment of risks.
Although Australia’s cash rate has been raised 12 times since May 2022, the 4.1% it currently sits at is much lower than global counterparts with the US Federal Reserve recently lifting its key rate to a 22-year high of 5.25% to 5.5%. Canada’s interest rate is also at a two-decade high of 5%, New Zealand’s main rate sits at 5.5% and in the UK, the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee opted to raise interest rates for the 13th meeting in a row at its June meeting to sit at 5.0%.
The decision to leave the cash rate unchanged gives the RBA more time to understand whether or not wage increases are gaining momentum. The Australian Bureau of Statistics will disclose June quarter wage price index numbers on 15 August.
UDIA National Congress 2024 – Save the Date
UDIA National Congress returns to Crown Melbourne on 18-20 March 2024.
This pinnacle national event provides the ideal opportunity to network, engage with and learn from colleagues and industry professionals from across Australia. Following a hugely successful National Congress in Perth this year, the national centrepiece turns its attention to Melbourne for the 2024 edition.
For those interested in sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 event, contact UDIA National Congress manager Nichola Byrne, here.
Proclamation of Parts 6, 12 and 14 of the Planning and Development Amendment Act 2020
August 1 saw the commencement of operation of the changes associated with Part 6, 12 and 14 of the Planning and Development Amendment Act 2020 and the Planning and Development (Region Planning Schemes) Regulations 2023.
Last month UDIA WA provided notice that on 7 July 2020 the Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2020 received Royal assent, becoming the Planning and Development Amendment Act 2020 (Amendment Act).
The Amendment Act identifies amendments to take place to the Planning and Development Act 2005 and related amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1986, amongst other legislation. Various parts of the Amendment Act have been proclaimed to date to implement the changes identified.
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage is progressing the Proclamation of Parts 6, 12 and 14 of the Amendment Act, to occur in conjunction with publication of the Planning and Development (Region Planning Schemes) Regulations 2023. More details available in the document available here.
A series of documents are enclosed within the letter in the above link, providing further information in relation to the abovementioned matters. These documents can also be found on the Department’s website:
- Planning and Development (Region Planning Scheme) Regulations 2023
- Local Planning Strategies, Schemes and Structure Plans
- Process flowcharts
The Planning and Development Amendment Act 2020 and the Planning and Development (Region Scheme) Regulations 2023 can also be found on the Western Australian legislation website.
The resulting changes commenced operation on 1 August 2023.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss, please contact Planning Reform on 6551 9360 or
Call for Submissions for Social Housing
The Department of Communities (Communities) is seeking to collaborate with the property and construction industry to increase the supply and diversity of social housing across Western Australia.
The new ‘Call for Submissions for Social Housing’ invites submissions from industry to help Communities deliver liveable and sustainable apartment and grouped dwelling residential developments for social housing in Perth or regional Western Australia.
Communities can engage respondents in a variety of ways through this procurement process, including (but not limited to) off-the-plan purchases, land acquisition and construction contracts.
Communities is particularly interested in submissions that:
- Demonstrate value for money, innovation and sustainable development initiatives.
- Offer one and two-bedroom housing projects that are already development approved with a builder ready to construct homes.
Submissions can be made to Communities at any time until 2 July 2024.
For more information:
- Visit the Communities website
- Email
CIB 413: Proof of property ownership in WA remains unchanged
On Monday – 7 August 2023 – Duplicate Titles will be removed from the land conveyancing process in Western Australia.
This is part of the changes made by the Transfer of Land Amendment Act 2022 and will bring Western Australia into line with most other states in Australia.
Property owners have been informed in recent months about this legislated change through radio and digital advertising, with website resources (FAQs, a fact sheet and video) made available through Landgate’s Changes to the WA Transfer of Land Act page.
Landgate is aware that a small portion of property owners have recently come under the impression they need to order a paper copy of their property’s ‘historical’ Certificate of Title to ensure the security of their property ownership.
This is not accurate. Landgate have published some additional FAQs on their website to help clarify and the key points are:
- The removal of Duplicate Titles on 7 August does not require property owners to take any action to prove they own their property.
- The Original Certificate of Title for every property in Western Australia will remain unchanged. There will be no change to property ownership or registered interests and encumbrances on 7 August.
- This Original Certificate of Title provides the complete legal evidence of your property’s current ownership in Western Australia. This is already securely held by Landgate within WA’s official Land Title Register as a digital record.
- A ‘Record of Certificate of Title’ is a copy of the current information in this Original Certificate of Title and can be ordered on Landgate’s website at any time if you require a record of your property ownership.
- A historical record of your property’s Certificate of Title (or the Parent Titles your current title is subdivided from) is a different type of record entirely and does not prove current ownership of your property.
- However, if a historical record of a property title is still something you are interested in receiving, this can be searched and purchased at any time via Landgate’s historical records page. There is no urgency to do this.
For further information
Please use the online resources provided above or view the new additional FAQs if you have further questions on your proof of property ownership.
Nominate now to lead and leave a legacy with UDIA WA
Nominations are open for eight vacant positions on UDIA WA Council, including the role of President. We are seeking leaders who want to play an active role in shaping the future direction of the Institute and the industry more broadly.
With a newly endorsed Strategic Plan in 2023 and a refreshed Purpose, Vision and Mission, this is a pivotal opportunity to join a team of passionate leaders to drive change.
These eight positions will join ongoing Councillors Jane Bennett (CLE Town Planning), Danielle Davison (Davison Advisory), Richard Pappas (Celsius Property) and Paul Morgan (PEET).
UDIA WA encourages applicants from a diverse range of professional backgrounds and experience to nominate for these leadership roles. Our goal is to establish and maintain a leadership group that reflects the diverse nature of the industry and the communities that we represent.
Nominations close at 5:00pm on Monday 14 August 2023. Download the relevant documents with all the detailed information on the nominations process and key dates:
- Council nominations kit here and nomination form here.
- Access the UDIA WA Constitution here
- 2023 UDIA WA Policy Priorities here.
The UDIA WA Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 18 October 2023 at the UDIA WA offices from 11:30am.
Certificate IV Course – Enrolments for July 2023 Intake Now Open
Enrolments for the next intake of UDIA’s BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice, Specialising in Property Development course are now open.
The course teaches the critical skills of project management such as identifying project scope; managing time, cost & quality; contract negotiation; team engagement; stakeholder communication & human resources management.
This course is the only nationally recognised qualification of its kind that teaches the project management competencies unique to the property development industry.
The course content has been written by education experts and industry professionals who provide real life relevance and focus on the practical application of knowledge. Tools, techniques and examples provided are real and what is currently used in the industry.
This qualification is uniquely designed for those who work, or aspire to work in project roles within property development. It is delivered over 18 weeks through a blended method of online self-directed learning and regular tutorials. Upon achieving a competent result for all course units of competency, graduates will attain a BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice, Specialising in Property Development issued by our RTO, McMillan.
There is also a special member only discount available where you can save 10% if you register three or more attendees.
For more information and to book your spot, click here.
Advertising Opportunities
UDIA WA are delighted to present a range of advertising opportunities for the new financial year including a variety of new options to enhance your marketing campaign.
UDIA WA have a number of advertising opportunities including through our thought-leadership publication, The Urbanist, our weekly newsletter Urban Express, our Podcast The Urbanist LIVE, our annual Awards for Excellence Winners Showcase magazine in addition to new opportunities for the new financial year including featuring in our highly coveted research publications Urban Intelligence and the Urban Development Index.
Among the new options available this year is the ability to support our podcast The Urbanist LIVE with two fantastic opportunities available, depending on your preferred budget and exposure.
The first option is a Full Year Sponsorship that includes naming rights in the title of the podcast. The second option is to purchase a 30 second advertisement that will play in the half time break within a selected episode. These advertisements can be purchased as a single or as a package.
To view our 2023-24 Advertising Opportunities document that provides more information and the rates for all of the current opportunities, click here. If you have any questions, need any further information or would like a personalised package sent through, reach out to Chris Thurmott at
Sponsorship Opportunities
In addition to the extensive advocacy and research agenda, UDIA delivers over 40 events annually and we are pleased to share how you can be involved with and support the successful delivery of these events through our various sponsorship opportunities.
UDIA WA events focus on bringing the industry together to share crucial information and updates affecting the development sector, with the intention of facilitating learning, discussion and debate.
Sponsors gain extensive exposure alongside these prominent and well received events. In addition to a comprehensive marketing promotional campaign, sponsors receive direct exposure to, and the opportunity to engage with, industry leaders, key decision makers, and influential representatives from a broad cross section of agencies and businesses involved with development in WA.
At UDIA, we collaborate with your business to ensure your marketing efforts are maximised with every opportunity presented, whether it’s for branding, networking, opening doors or business product promotion, we have the platforms to assist you.
To view the various sponsorship opportunities available, click here or if you have any questions, need any further information or would like a personalised package sent through, reach out to Georgia Scott at