The West Australian
The number of houses under construction has reached an all-time high in WA but property experts remain concerned it will do little to address supply issues affecting the housing and rental market.
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows there were 21,030 new homes under construction in the June quarter — the highest figure since records began in 1957.
UDIA WA chief executive Tanya Steinbeck attributed the record number of homes under construction to the land and housing boom that was triggered by the State and Federal government building stimulus measures that were introduced in the early stages of the pandemic.
“UDIA WA’s land sales figures at the time showed that in just a matter of weeks, sales of new land lots had tripled following the introduction of those stimulus measures and sales have continued to remain strong over the subsequent two years,” she said.
To read the full article including extensive comments from UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck, click here.