UDIA meets with Ministers for Housing and Planning
UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck was pleased to attend a small luncheon at Parliament House on Tuesday hosted by the Hon. Rita Saffioti and Hon. Peter Tinley.
The luncheon, attended by a select group of senior property industry representatives, was an opportunity to discuss relevant issues and topics in a less formal setting. The focus of discussions was on opportunities and challenges in the lead up to the next state election.
UDIA is focused on representing our members at the highest levels to ensure our perspective is heard on the issues that matter.
WA Tomorrow figures released
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has released the latest WA Tomorrow population forecast figures for 2016 to 2031. These forecasts are produced every five years and are used to inform government policy and planning including future service and infrastructure requirements.
The headline figures include an estimation that the WA population will increase by close to 700,000 people (or 27%) by 2031. Moderate population growth is forecast to 2021 and then growth is expected to increase to 1.61 per cent by 2031 due to an expected increase in overseas migration.
It is pleasing to see that migration is expected to lift back to average levels by 2021 after a period of below average figures. Interestingly, the forecasts indicate significant aging of the population over the next decade due to increased life expectancy.
Find out more details here.
Subi in the spotlight
UDIA’s Industry Luncheon themed ‘Spotlight on Subi’ attracted close to 400 guests on Friday with guest speakers including Parliamentary Secretary John Carey, Subiaco Mayor Penny Taylor and Blackburne Property Managing Director Paul Blackburne.
John Carey provided a rundown on the state government’s involvement with the Subi East Redevelopment, outlining how the 35 hectare site will be transformed into a 2000 home mixed use ‘city village’ that will attract more people to Subiaco and boost the surrounding local economy.
The project is about to commence the master planning stage, with public consultation remaining open on the vision concept. Civil works are expected to commence from 2021.
Mr Carey also confirmed $59 million in funding for the demolition of Princess Margaret Hospital and additional funding for the site transfer.
Principal of the new Bob Hawke College John Burke participated on the panel later in the event and said there were already 224 year 7s starting high school on the site next year.
Mayor Taylor announced a community working group is being established in Subiaco which will provide input into the review and updating of planning policies that will be used to implement draft Local Planning Strategy 5 (LPS5) which is currently with the WAPC for endorsement.
Mayor Taylor said that the City is looking to the future and opportunities to re-establish Subiaco as a vibrant economic centre and is engaging and working with the state government on the redevelopment site.
Paul Blackburne provided a first look at ‘One Subiaco’ with spectacular rendered images of the new market style commercial areas at ground level and the different design concepts for the three apartment blocks including Rokeby, Seddon and Roberts.
Mr Blackburne was confident in terms of market demand for the new project that will be officially launched in October, stating that buyers were already signing up and the penthouse was close to sold, potentially achieving the highest price for any penthouse in Perth.
Thank you to our sponsors for supporting the event including UDIA WA Industry Partner Landcorp and Event Sponsor MNG.
Subi East business case approved
Following our Spotlight on Subi Luncheon, Premier Mark McGowan has announced that the business case for the Subi East Redevelopment has been approved with $227 million committed to the project.
The funding decision will provide for the acquisition of all Government lands to LandCorp and demolition of the former Princess Margaret Hospital site. Demolition of the former PMH site is expected to commence by the end of 2021, dependent on project requirements and further site investigations.
Most of the Subiaco Oval demolition works will be completed in time for the opening of Bob Hawke College in February 2020.
According to the Premier, “the demolition at Subiaco Oval is one of the biggest projects of its type to be undertaken in Western Australia, and we are committed to recycling and reusing 95 per cent of the materials and putting these to work in new infrastructure projects across the State.”
Foundations of Property launched
UDIA was pleased to host our first “Foundations of Property” half day professional development course earlier this week which attracted a mix of students and development professionals seeking to expand their knowledge in relation to the fundamentals of property and development.
Run in conjunction with the Property Education Foundation, the program included an introduction to property from UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck, along with sessions with industry experts including Danielle Davison from Davison Advisory Services; Paul Cazzone from LandCorp; Sharon Holt from Bankwest and Grant Shepherd from Stockland.
The course finished with a panel session featuring industry leaders Ben Rosser, Julian Lodge, Adam Smith, Malcolm Reed and Karen Write how providing insights into working in the property industry and the opportunities that are available.
The program was a huge success and we thank all the industry experts and participants. Look out for the next course that will be advertised soon!
Frydenberg calls for stamp duty reform
UDIA welcomed comments made by Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg earlier this week, putting the call out to state governments to consider the potential reform of state-based stamp duty taxes.
Mr Frydenberg said that he has written to all state governments asking them to put forward reform priorities for the next COAG meeting in October, where Australia’s productivity will be the only agenda item.
In a presentation focused on finally moving forward with recommendations made by the Productivity Commission back in 2017 in their report ‘Shifting the Dial’, the Treasurer also encouraged businesses to increase their investment in growth and increase productivity to boost the economy.
The Commission’s report made several recommendations on ‘realising the productive potential of land’, including continuing with planning reform to streamline land supply and encourage investment in development and transitioning from stamp duties to taxes based on unimproved land value.
View the Productivity Commission’s Shifting the Dial report here.
Right sizing and government policy
UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck spoke to Jenny Seaton on CurtinFM this afternoon, discussing future housing needs and focusing on the need to provide opportunities and remove barriers to people ‘right sizing’.
This issue requires a multifaceted approach, including lifting the diversity of housing choices across Perth and removing financial disincentives to moving home such as stamp duty.
Tanya has written a blog exploring some of these issues in more detail. Read it here.
Latest stats on construction work released
According to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the value of total residential construction work in the June quarter in Australia increased 3.8% to sit at $19.38 billion, but fell 8.6% year-on-year (YoY), the largest YoY decrease since June 2001.
For the private sector, the value of total new residential construction work in Australia increased 3.3% over the quarter to $16.99 billion, but similarly fell 8.8% YoY, also the largest YoY decline since June 2001.
This national YoY decrease was reflected in the declining YoY results across all states bar Tasmania and the ACT, which increased 13.1% and 22.3% respectively.
NSW saw the largest YoY decrease in monetary value with a $787.2 million fall; followed by Queensland ( – $452.6 million), Victoria (- $222.6 million) and Western Australia (- $123.3 million).
In WA, the value of total new residential construction work for the private sector lifted 2.8% QoQ to sit at $1.14 billion but fell 9.8% from the same time the year prior, following a 14.3% YoY decrease in March. The first two quarters of 2019 recorded the lowest values of construction work done since March 2006.
More information here.
Coastal floodplain eucalypt forests potential listing
UDIA National has lodged a submission on behalf of members in relation to the proposed listing of potentially threatened coastal floodplain eucalypt forests via the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
The submission highlights how the current proposal risks sterilising large tracts of land designated for urban development without providing for full and detailed analysis, properly considering the implications for future project assessment and understanding the red tape implications for housing development projects.
Download full submission here.
GST at settlement – update to forms
On 15 September 2019 the ATO are updating the forms that need to be completed and lodged by purchasers or their representatives when buying new residential property or potential residential land.
They have also updated the emails sent after the forms are lodged. In particular the payment reference number and supplier ABN will be included.
These improvements are designed to help improve processing and reconciliation.
Form one: GST property settlement withholding notification
This form advises the ATO that a contract has been entered into and there’s a withholding obligation. It also advises them who the supplier is, which is where GST property credits are allocated.
Changes include:
- Contact details – added a section for the business name for the purchaser’s representative
- Properties and transaction details – ability to add in 10 properties within the same property contract
- Supplier details – you can now
- include the name of the supplier’s representative in case we need to contact them
- add the supplier’s GST branching number (if known) to ensure GST credits get to the right branch in a timely manner.
Form two: GST property settlement date confirmation
This form confirms that settlement has occurred or when the first instalment under and instalment contract is made.
Changes include:
- Contact details – added a section for the business name for the purchaser’s representative
- Transaction details
- the withholding amount has been removed (to avoid confusion with the withholding amount on Form one) to avoid unnecessary processing delays
- the form can’t be lodged more than two business days before settlement.
For more information visit here.
DWER Community and Industry Engagement program applications open
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s Community and Industry Engagement (CIE) program provides funding towards waste management projects and initiatives that contribute to Western Australia’s waste strategy objectives.
The strategy contains objectives to avoid waste, recover more value and resources from waste, and protect the environment.
The revised CIE funding round now includes the scope of the former Community Grants Scheme.
A total $1.17 million is currently available for relevant projects. CIE application forms, guidelines (including eligibility criteria) and the waste strategy are all available to download here.
Applications close at 10am Monday 23 September 2019.
Contaminated Sites Committee vacancies
The McGowan Government is seeking expressions of interest to join Western Australia’s Contaminated Sites Committee, which determines appeals of contaminated site matters.
The independent committee, established in 2006 under the Contaminated Sites Act 2003, makes decisions when there is disagreement regarding clean up and remediation responsibilities and classifications of contaminated sites.
All Contaminated Sites Committee members’ roles expire shortly, with three in October and two, including the chairperson, in December so there is an opportunity to get involved.
As the issues can be complex, the State Government is seeking committee members with knowledge, skills and expertise in environmental or contaminated site management or auditors, as well as legal practitioners, preferably with experience in environmental or property law.
The Committee will be appointed by the Environment Minister and expressions of interest close at 5pm on Friday, September 20, 2019. For more information visit here.
City of Nedlands design excellence award
The City of Nedlands is calling for nominations for the 2019 City of Nedlands Design Excellence Awards. The bi-annual awards recognise and celebrate outstanding examples of heritage conservation, contemporary planning, urban design, landscaping, public art and other state-of-the-art projects that contribute to the quality and appeal of the City of Nedlands.
Judges will be looking for high-quality work that demonstrates best practice and provides positive benefits to the community, aesthetically and practically. Nominees can be either the architect, designer, landscaper or artist responsible for the work or the owner or resident of the property nominated.
Categories include residential, multi-residential, commercial, landscape, public art and heritage, with all projects judged on merit using criteria specific to each category. A single project may extend over more than one category.
Visit the website for more details here.
Consultation underway for new CBD transport plan
A survey is now open for the community to have their say on the development of the Perth Greater CBD Transport Plan.
The aim of the plan is to help create a well-connected and vibrant city centre by keeping it moving with an optimised transport network.
The feedback received as part of the survey will be used to develop the Plan which will outline a 10-year vision for transport investment in Perth’s city centre providing additional transport options, recreational opportunities and support for tourism and commercial activity.
More information here.
We value your feedback!
UDIA is currently working on several submissions on behalf of members. We encourage you to forward any feedback on these items to policy@udiawa.com.au
- DWER issues paper ‘Waste not, want not: valuing waste as a resource’ out for comment (here). Submissions close Wednesday 4 September, 2019.
- DWER draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy out for public consultation (here). Submissions close Friday 20 September, 2019.
Perth’s view on urban planning: new survey
A new RAC survey has revealed Perth residents are open to the benefits of increasing density but also worried about the potential impacts.
800 residents from across the metropolitan area took part in RAC’s Urban Planning and Connected Communities survey, exploring how planning influences where we live, work and socialise, and how we move around.
It found 55 per cent feel more infill should be built in Perth and Peel to better manage congestion.
But the survey also found residents are concerned about potential negative impacts of density, including increased local traffic, overcrowding, increased noise and reduced privacy.
The survey also revealed support for medium density developments, of between one and four storeys, around train stations, shopping centres, smaller suburban activity centres and along high frequency transit corridors. Higher density apartment buildings were considered most suitable in and around the Perth CBD and major activity centres.
A majority of residents (55 per cent) would also like greater engagement in planning for their local area.
Read more here.
Happy Father’s Day!
UDIA WA wishes all the Dad’s and those special people in our lives a happy Father’s Day this Sunday. In the lead up to the day, Tanya Steinbeck and other property industry leaders have shared some of the best ‘dad advice’ they have received.
Read it here.