From the CEO
As COVID cases begin to escalate more significantly this week and uncertainty remains the order of the day, it would be easy to fall into a less positive frame of mind.
However, I was pleased to be able to engage the media in some good news this week, albeit with several caveats.
For those who missed it, following the release of our latest Urban Development Index (UDI) figures this week, The West Australian highlighted the continued growth in the residential land market on Wednesday, featuring our data that shows sales figures increased by 15% in the December 2021 quarter.
Despite the growth in sales, the average price of land remained relatively stable, somewhat of a surprise to many but good news for new home buyers. This means Perth remains one of the most affordable capital cities in Australia. But for how long?
While on the surface, growth in sales is absolutely a positive, and quite remarkable given that we no longer have building stimulus measures in place, borders remain closed and home building timeframes and materials costs have blown out considerably. We expect it will be tough to keep a lid on prices moving forward as consumers start to pay for the ongoing costs that developers and builders are shouldering.
There is also the question of ongoing housing supply. Our construction figures for the next six months look relatively healthy according to the UDI, however expected activity notably drops after six months which is a concerning trend in relation to our supply pipeline, particularly as borders reopen.
As I said to Oliver Peterson on 6PR’s Drive show yesterday afternoon, UDIA is keen to work with the State Government on addressing land supply constraints so that we don’t see critical shortages in the next few years. The new April breakfast event that we have just launched this week – looking at strategic assessment processes, is one aspect of this issue and I am looking forward to unpacking what a new strategic assessment pathway might look like with WAPC Chairman David Caddy and our expert panel.
Until then, I look forward to seeing many of you at our Luncheon with Jonathan Pain tomorrow!
New Land in Demand
At the end of last week UDIA WA released the latest edition of our quarterly Urban Development Index that showed new land in Perth remains in demand with lot sales up 15% in the December 2021 quarter.
Despite the heightened sales figures, prices remained relatively stable with the average price of a new lot in the Perth Metro Area only increasing by 1% over the 12 months to December 2021 to $243,236.
Looking ahead and the supply of new lots is also up, especially over the next 6 months with 2,783 lots expected to be constructed and released to the market in the next six months. This figure drops off slightly in the next 6-12 with 1,290 lots set for construction and release, however with over 4,000 lots set for construction this year, it is markedly higher than the 2,800 predicted in the September quarter and the 2,600 predicted in the June quarter.
UDIA WA members can exclusively access the full UDI results by clicking here.
UDIA National TV
UDIA National are hosting a special edition of UDIA National TV to launch the 2022 edition of the UDIA State of the Land report, the industry’s most comprehensive annual health check of the nation’s greenfield land and new apartment markets.
This virtual event will feature presentations and Q&A with UDIA National Research Partners from CoreLogic (Tim Lawless, Head of Research) and Research4 (Colin Keane, Director) who will provide an overview of the key residential market trends illuminated in the State of the Land report and a forward outlook for market performance across 2022.
For more information and to book your ticket, click here.
Insights from Jonathan Pain
UDIA WA are looking forward to welcoming close to 400 guests to our first Industry Luncheon for 2022 as we are set to hear the Economic Insights and Future Forecasts with Jonathan Pain.
Following Jonathan’s introductory speech he will be joined by three expert panellists for what will be an extremely insightful and very timely Q&A session.
Joining Jonathan will be Kaylene Gulich, CEO at the Western Australian Treasury Corporation, Steven Rowley, Director at Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) and Grant Dusting, Director of Strategy at McCrindle.
The panel will be taking questions from the audience as we debate what the future has in store for WA in terms of economic indicators and the housing market more specifically.
A big thanks goes to our Industry Partner Harvey Norman Commercial Division, Technology Partner nbn™ Australia, Event Sponsors Mirvac and CLE Town Planning + Design and our Networking Partner JDSi Consulting Engineers for supporting this event!
NCC 2022 preview and adoption dates
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) have released important dates regarding the release of the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022, which include:
- 9 May 2022 – Preview available at (excluding energy efficiency and condensation)
- 1 September 2022 – Adoption by states and territories
Building Ministers have agreed to delay the adoption of NCC 2022 in recognition of the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impacts to industry during a difficult economic time. The ABCB hope the delayed adoption date will make it easier for industry to adjust, and the extended preview period provide time for users to become familiar with the changes before NCC 2022 is made mandatory under state and territory legislation.
The May preview of NCC 2022 will not include energy efficiency and condensation amendments as these have not yet been endorsed by Building Ministers. Practitioners can still expect a preview of these amendments prior to adoption – and more information on that timing will be provided as it becomes available.
January Labour figures released
Earlier today the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the Labour Force data for January and revealed the unemployment rate across the country remained stable at 4.2%, however the unemployment rate in WA rose slightly to 3.7%.
Despite the slight rise WA has the lowest unemployment rate of all States with only the ACT recording a lower rate across the country. The participation rate in WA also rose slightly to sit at 69.7%, second highest in the country behind only the Northern Territory.
While the labour figures are strong once again for WA, the implementation of the vaccine mandates at the end of January will likely impact these numbers in the coming months, however with a date for the borders to be re-opened set to be named before the end of February, there is hope the current skills shortage will start to get alleviated.
Optimising water sensitive urban design outcomes in Perth and Peel – NWW training sessions for 2022
Recent State Planning Policies (SPP), particularly the Design WA suite and draft Planning for Water SPP, emphasise the importance of responding to site context as part of any planning or development activity.
As such New WAter Ways have developed a range of training sessions to share learnings from the application of water sensitive urban design over the last decade with a focus on using site context to optimise outcomes.
The sessions are framed around site context that is representative of the key critical conditions in the Perth and Peel region. Additional sessions have also been developed to provide more detail around key areas of application.
The NWW training sessions for 2022 are:
- WSUD for greenfield development in sandy soils – 9-12pm, Tuesday 22 February 2022
- WSUD for greenfield development in areas with shallow groundwater – 9-12pm, Tuesday 15 March
- WSUD for development in the Hills – 9-12pm, Tuesday 5 April
- WSUD for infill development – 9-12pm, Tuesday 26 April
- Integrating WSUD into public spaces – 9-12pm, Tuesday 17 May
- Using water balances to understand site context and conditions – 9-12pm, Tuesday 14 June
These sessions are aimed at local government and industry planners, engineers, landscape architects, asset managers and developers to assist our industry to better deliver water sensitive cities in a Perth and Peel context.
For more information and to register, click here.
Spotlight on Strategic Decision Making
The wind up of the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) provides an opportunity to review the success of the initiative and contemplate how a more permanent body can be established to continue to provide a coordinated pathway for significant developments.
UDIA are delighted to present an opportunity to review the initiative in our upcoming Industry Breakfast that will shine a spotlight on Strategic Decision Making. We will take a deep dive into the projects that the SDAU considered and approved with URBIS Director Karen Wright, who will crunch the numbers and share the true value of those projects that successfully navigated the SDAU process and how they benefit WA.
This event will also provide an opportunity to hear from WAPC Chairman David Caddy on progress toward launching the Special Matters Development Assessment Panel (SMDAP) and how that new mechanism will operate.
A panel discussion will round out this not to be missed event, considering the importance of a state significant assessment pathway and how we can better promote innovation and support quality infill development in key areas across Perth.
To be part of the conversation, click here.
Our thanks go to our Technology Partner NBN for supporting this event.
Underground Distribution Schemes (UDS) manual review
Western Power have advised that as part of their ongoing review process, the Underground Distribution Schemes (UDS) manual has been listed for a full review.
This manual contains the information required by developers and their electrical consultants to allow them to undertake the electrical reticulation of new subdivisions.
This review helps ensure that the network distribution and design information provided is up to date. We’re ensuring the network configuration continues to meet customer and regulatory benchmarks.
Western Power are seeking feedback on the UDS manual and its operation. You can find a copy of the manual here.
For further information or to provide feedback simply complete and return the attached response form via email to by Friday the 18th of March 2022.
Minutes: Reserve Bank Board Monetary Policy Meeting
This week saw the release of the Minutes from the February Monetary Policy Meeting where the RBA Board chose to retain the cash rate target at 0.1%, however confirmed it would cease further purchases of government securities under the bond purchase program.
To read the minutes in full, click here.
$4 million of grants now available to protect WA coastline
Applications are now open for up to $4 million of grants to manage and protect the magnificent coastline of Western Australia.
A range of grants are available to support coastal land managers to plan and implement sustainable adaptation options, and partner with community groups to undertake on-ground management activities.
Western Australia has one of the longest uninterrupted coastlines in the world, stretching for more than 20,000 kilometres from the Great Australian Bight on the South Australian border to the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf on the Northern Territory Border.
The coastline includes some of the most iconic coastal landscapes in the world, such as Exmouth, Cottesloe Beach, Geographe Bay, Cape Leeuwin and Bremer Bay.
Applications for grants close in April. To learn more or apply for a grant, click here.
Updated requirements for entering UDIA WA office
As Perth, Peel and beyond begin to experience an increase in Omicron cases due to community transmission, it is more critical than ever to ensure that UDIA WA takes all the necessary steps to minimise the risk of COVID-19 exposure in the workplace.
The WA State Government has mandated COVID-19 vaccinations for many Western Australian workplaces. Further to consultation and endorsement from UDIA WA Staff and Council, UDIA WA has implemented a new COVID-19 Vaccine Policy that requires all workers and visitors to be fully vaccinated prior to entering the workplace premises in Subiaco. This means that all personnel conducting work at the UDIA WA workplace must have received two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.
From 31 January 2022, all visitors to the UDIA WA workplace (Level 1, 3 Wexford Street, Subiaco) will be required to allow a staff member from UDIA to sight their vaccination status or proof of exemption. Anyone who doesn’t show evidence when requested will be denied entry.
In line with Western Australian government health directions, our event venues could also start to introduce mandatory entry requirements.
Crown Perth have stated that as of 31 January 2022 all visitors (aged 18 years and over) to the Casino and Pearl Room and visitors (aged 16 years and over) to all other venues including hotels, Crown Spa and events and conferencing facilities must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Crown Perth will request official proof of vaccination or medical contraindication certificate for guests wishing to gain access to these venues. Entry will be denied if official proof of vaccination or a medical contraindication certificate cannot be presented.
Please ensure you keep an eye on our event pages for any venue entry mandates and proof of vaccination requirements.
Please note that in line with the State Government policy, the requirement to manage the COVID-19 vaccinations for your organisation’s personnel solely resides with your organisation.
Further information from the State Government can be accessed via the following link here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Access to UDIA WA website changed
Access to the UDIA WA website recently changed as part of our aim to provide exceptional member services.
UDIA WA has invested in new technology that will integrate our member database with our website and online event registration capabilities with our new UDIA WA online Community Portal providing our members with seamless, integrated services and up to date information at the click of a button.
As part of the change all login details for the website were removed and each member organisation’s Key Representative was granted access initially and the Key Representative can now provide access to a further 2 representatives for their organisation.
All the necessary information was emailed to Key Representatives last week and can be accessed here for more information.
Once active the UDIA WA Community Portal includes exclusive member only access to:
- Urban Express weekly news
- The Urbanist quarterly magazine
- The Urban Development Index quarterly market update
- The Urban Intelligence economic data report
- UDIA WA Members Directory listing details of all UDIA WA members
- UDIA WA Diversity Toolkit
- Relevant governance documents including the UDIA WA Annual Reports and Constitution
- Ability to update you and your organisations details
For more information or any queries, email