From the CEO
Now More Than Ever, is the theme for National Reconciliation Week. It is a call to action for all of us to actively continue to advocate for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This week is an important opportunity to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
To show our solidarity and support NRW, members of the UDIA WA team attended the breakfast event hosted by Reconciliation WA at Optus Stadium in Boorloo on Monday that was attended by over 1,200 people. Several of us will also close out the week at the Walk for Reconciliation at Langley Park tomorrow. We also had the pleasure of listening to Emeritus Professor Len Collard on Tuesday, when he provided the Welcome to Country at our industry breakfast. Professor Collard has worked tirelessly to drive positive change within education and society, to support people on their journey to understand, contribute to, and appreciate Aboriginal history and culture. Len’s groundbreaking work in relation to Noongar place naming is a particular area that I think we, as an industry, can learn more from so that we better understand the cultural meaning of local places where we are establishing new or enhancing existing neighbourhoods. Using the local or original placenames is an important step forward in Aboriginal culture being respected, being seen and being heard.
UDIA WA has been on a journey toward reconciliation through the development of our first Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) that was recently lodged for endorsement. Our RAP considers the leadership role that our organisation plays in setting an example for the wider industry and providing guidance in effectively and meaningfully connecting and engaging with Aboriginal people in the work that we do. We have engaged local artist Jarni McGuire to create a unique artwork to complement our RAP when it is launched to members in the coming weeks, she has explored our industry’s connection to Boodja in the piece and we can’t wait to share it.
Ministerial line up
UDIA hosts several exclusive events throughout the year that provide key members and stakeholders the opportunity to liaise directly with relevant government Ministers. As we lead up to the 2025 State election, and campaigns start to ramp up, these are important opportunities to hear what the government’s priorities are moving forward, directly from the Ministers themselves.
In partnership with Harvey Norman Commercial, we were pleased to host a Boardroom Lunch with the Hon. John Carey MLA, Minister for Planning; Lands and Housing on Wednesday.
Discussion focused on key measures to boost supply across the housing continuum and how we can better support progress towards WA’s share of the National Housing Accord target of a minimum of 24,000 new homes per year over the next five years.
Tomorrow morning, we will be hosting a Boardroom Breakfast in partnership with our ESG Partner ReGen Strategic, featuring the Deputy Premier and Treasurer the Hon. Rita Saffioti MLA.
Items on the agenda for discussion stretch across the Treasury and Transport portfolios, including how they relate to UDIA WA’s priorities, such as coordination, funding and delivery of enabling infrastructure to unlock housing, achieving productivity improvements across Government to address blockages to supply and increase market capacity, and boosting supply across the housing continuum to support progress towards WA’s share of the National Housing Accord target.
We will continue our direct engagement with relevant Ministers next Tuesday with the Hon. Reece Whitby Minister for Energy; Environment; Climate Action attending our Boardroom Lunch in partnership with ATCO & Western Power.
We thank all three of our partners who are supporting UDIA WA’s direct advocacy work through helping us host these important events.
Get the latest industry data
UDIA WA are pleased to release the latest edition of our Urban Intelligence report, our monthly round up of the latest stats and facts impacting the urban development industry.
This monthly publication is available exclusively to UDIA WA members bringing together the latest updates from our weekly Land Snapshot, exclusive CoreLogic and Landgate data plus the latest findings from the ABS, RBA and much more.
There is also a feature article from Head of Research National & WA Toby Adams that delves into and analyses the continuing strong price growth in the face of muted apartment supply.
To read the latest edition, click here.
We would like to thank our Principal Research Partners CoreLogic, Landgate and Urbis for their support in producing these exclusive member research publications.
Cutting green tape
On Tuesday we were delighted to be joined by hundreds of attendees for our Industry Breakfast looking at Cutting Green Tape for a Greener Future.
We were delighted to start this event with an engaging Welcome to Country from Dr Len Collard before our first speaker Alistair Jones, Director General, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation provided a detailed insight into what changes and initiatives DWER are implementing following the Vogel-McFerran review and its recommendations.
Dale Newsome, Director, Western Environmental then took to the stage to provide an overview and analysis of the Federal Government’s proposed approvals and assessment changes and the push towards Nature Positive Reform.
Following this presentation David McFerran, Director, McFerran Advisory and Lucy Shea, Partner, Clayton Utz joined the keynote speakers for the panel discussion.
At the event, we were also pleased to launch UDIA WA’s brand-new Sustainability Showcase special edition of The Urbanist magazine which highlights all the incredible sustainable outcomes and achievements ongoing in the development industry locally, nationally and internationally. You can read this edition here.
UDIA National President Col Dutton also awarded two Property Education Foundation (PEF) Scholarships during the event and we pass our congratulations onto Matthew Howie and Charlotte McDermid, this year’s worthy scholarship recipients.
To view pictures from this event, click here.
Big thanks to our Industry Partner DevelopmentWA and Event Sponsors Western Environmental and Mirvac for supporting this event.
National Reconciliation Week
This week is National Reconciliation Week for 2024 with this year’s theme being Now More Than Ever, which is designed to be a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.
To acknowledge this year’s National Reconciliation week members of the UDIA WA team attended the breakfast in Boorloo on Monday.
The event brought together Aboriginal Elders, Traditional Owners and community members along with reconciliation allies to discuss and acknowledge the truth of our past and the journey we can walk together, toward a shared future.
Special Guest speakers included Dr Richard Walley OAM who provided a Welcome to Country and outlined the work behind Our Truth: The Wadjemup Project along with Aboriginal activist and elder Herbert Bropho, a Premier’s address by the Hon. Roger Cook, Reconciliation WA Co Chair’s Nolan Hunter and Debra Zanella as well as a special finale by West Australian Opera performers of Wundig wer Wiluna an ancient Noongar story of star crossed lovers, sung beautifully in Noongar language.
UDIA WA team members will also be attending the Walk for Reconciliation event in the City tomorrow, wherein we will be walking together in solidarity across Langley Park, in Boorloo.
The journey will feature a Welcome to Country and key speakers before the commencement of the Walk, with multiple Smoking Ceremony fire pits for the walkers to pass through. Together we will walk alongside the bilya (river) through the park and ending in solidarity at the Supreme Court Gardens with guest performers.
Should you wish to join the walk, you can book your free ticket here.
UDIA WA is committed to taking real action and engaging meaningfully with Aboriginal stakeholders through our Reconciliation Action Plan, that will be launched in the coming weeks, to contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Sustainability Showcase released
On Tuesday UDIA WA were pleased to share the special Sustainability Showcase edition of The Urbanist magazine.
This special edition covers a range of topics in relation to innovation, environmental sustainability and ESG practices from a global, national and local perspective.
The special edition features insights from:
- The Hon. Reece Whitby MLA, Minister for Energy; Environment; Climate Action
- Professor Felix Heisel, Director of the Circular Construction Lab at Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art and Planning
- Forestami Science Director Associate Professor Maria Chiara Pastore
- Hesperia Managing Director Ben Lisle
- Stockland General Manager – WA Communities and UDIA National President Col Dutton
- WALGA President Karen Chappel
- Cossill & Webley Principal – Energy Transformation Services Jey Shivakumar
- Plus exclusive insights from nbn, ATCO, ReGEN Strategic, Cerclos and much more
The hard copy version of The Urbanist Sustainability Showcase will be delivered direct to all UDIA WA members along with the next member-exclusive edition of The Urbanist in the coming weeks.
To view a digital version of this special magazine, click here.
Join us for the CEO Sleepout
We are just a couple of weeks away from the annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout where UDIA WA will once again be forming a team, including our CEO Tanya Steinbeck, to take part in the event. We’re calling for our members to support and join our cause on the night!
The event, which aims to raise vital funds and awareness to assist homelessness initiatives, takes place each year with CEOs from various organisations across WA sleeping out at Optus Stadium for a night.
UDIA WA has been involved with the event for the past few years taking a committed team of members helping to raise thousands of dollars each year and we’re looking to do the same this year.
If you would like to join the UDIA WA CEO Sleepout team, find more information here and click on ‘Join Us’ if you wish to be part of the team. Otherwise you can also donate to the cause via the same link.
Mike Rowe formally appointed as Communities Director General
The State Government has confirmed the formal appointment of Mike Rowe to the position of Director General at the Department of Communities (Communities).
Mr Rowe first moved into the role in 2021, having transferred from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation where he also held the position of Director General.
His formal appointment will continue to see him leading Communities’ strategic plan with the agency responsible for delivering frontline social services across critical State Government functions such as Housing, Child Protection, Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence, Community Services and Disability Services.
UDIA WA passes our congratulations onto Mr Rowe and looking forward to continuing to work and collaborate with him and the rest of the Communities team.
6 reasons to enter the UDIA WA Awards for Excellence
Nominations for the 2024 UDIA WA Awards for Excellence are now open. Our awards provide a range of opportunities and benefits to entrants, finalists and winners each year, including:
- Industry recognition
This is a high-profile annual program that recognises and rewards excellence and innovation in the urban development industry. Award winners and finalists are also entitled to use the official UDIA WA Awards for Excellence seal in their marketing and communications. The seal represents the quality of the development and the credibility of the developer.
- Awards Showcase Magazine
Each year we produce a glossy Awards for Excellence Showcase magazine that highlights all the winners and finalists from that year’s awards, providing plenty of opportunities to showcase your excellence to a wide audience.
- Networking
The UDIA WA Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner generally attracts more than 500 attendees and offers a valuable opportunity to engage with industry colleagues and build new business contacts, especially if you’re recognised as a winner or finalist on the night.
- Brand Enhancement
Previous winners and finalists can attest to the benefits of being recognised in the UDIA WA Awards for Excellence program. The awards can help drive property sales and enhance the reputation of the winners within the community, with local and State authorities and other key stakeholders.
- National Awards Qualification
There is an opportunity for award winners to represent Western Australia at the UDIA National Awards for Excellence. WA projects have a great track record at the National Awards, including most recently picking up 5 awards including the highly coveted Project of the Year award, won by Witchcliffe Ecovillage by Sustainable Settlements and Perron Developments.
- More chance for success
This year we have introduced 2 new categories Local Government of the Year and Team of the Year. These new categories allow us to recognise the efforts of a broader range of excellence across our industry, giving more teams, projects and organisations the opportunity to enter. Plus, for this year only these new categories do not carry an entry fee!
For more information on entering this year’s Awards, including accessing the Nominations Kit, click here and to start your entry click here.
We pass our thanks onto the 2024 Awards for Excellence Sponsors including Platinum Sponsor Western Australian Planning Commission, Gold Sponsors Lavan and Stantec and Category Sponsors Stockland, nbn, Slick Design, Longreach Recruitment and Wormall Civil.
Sponsorship opportunities are available and you can find out more about these opportunities by emailing
Call for nominations: Diversity & Inclusion working group
UDIA WA is establishing a Diversity and Inclusion Working Group that will report directly to the UDIA WA Education, Connection & Excellence Strategic Committee and provide advice and oversight of the Institute’s performance in relation to diversity and inclusion. The Group will be appointed for a 20-month term, commencing in May 2024 and ending in December 2025.
Overall, the group will provide a forum for discussion of diversity and inclusion related issues within the organisation and more broadly in the urban development industry, as well as provide advice in relation to UDIA WA policy, performance and activities in relation to diversity and inclusion.
If you are interested in nominating for this group, please follow the link here to the nomination form and more detailed Terms of Reference. Any questions about the group can be directed to UDIA WA Executive Manager Communications & Engagement Gemma Osiejak: