Today’s announcement from the Minister for Planning of amendments to the Medium Density Code is welcomed by UDIA WA, responding to industry concerns regarding the provisions for lower density residential development and the impact on affordable housing product.

The recent release of the long-anticipated Code was welcomed to provide greater certainty and clarity for industry around the design and delivery of high-quality medium density housing.  However, at a time when we have a housing crisis, the provisions for low density (R30 and below) single dwellings presented an unnecessary risk to housing affordability and choice for buyers.

“UDIA was always of the view that lots coded R30 and below were not ‘medium density’, and the provisions and transitional arrangements presented challenges for projects already underway, for housing affordability and for existing purchasers to be able to develop their chosen home,” UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck said.

“With the current market conditions, protracted timeframes and increased costs in moving projects from land release to completion, it is essential policy changes do not compound this and further impact the supply of much-needed and diverse housing,” Ms Steinbeck said.

High quality medium density development is a crucial component of delivering housing choice and supporting a more compact, connected and liveability city.  The development industry is committed to working with Government to achieve this.

“Industry recognises and supports the need to deliver new and improved housing products which foster good design and innovation, and striking the right balance to ensure Western Australians have access to affordable housing choices must continue to be a key consideration for all involved in the delivery of housing,” Ms Steinbeck said.

UDIA WA has long advocated for new or amended policies with implications for the provision of diverse housing supply to be carefully examined through a housing affordability lens.

“Today’s announcement by the Minister demonstrates leadership in prioritising affordability, to help accelerate the provision of diverse housing supply,” Ms Steinbeck said.


Chris Thurmott

Communications Officer
P: 0406 271 895