Here is an example outline for a Diversity and Inclusion Policy that can be adapted to your organisation’s needs.


Vision and Mission statement

                                                 is dedicated to creating a supportive, diverse and inclusive work culture where employees and others in the workplace are treated with respect and are not subject to unacceptable behaviour that makes them feel uncomfortable. It is within our best interest to promote diversity and inclusion and eliminate discrimination in the workplace.

Our aim is to                             

We recognise the value inherent in a diverse workplace. Diversity in the workplace fosters a positive workplace culture where innovation and productivity is improved. [Add text as desired].

What we do

Outline organisational commitments under the following headings [add additional as required]:

  • Recruitment processes
  • Representation
  • Retention
  • Compensation
  • Advancement
  • Culture

Goals and targets

In order to ensure that diversity and inclusion is at the core of our organisational culture                  has established the following goals and objectives in relation to diversity:

Goal 1 – description and end target of goal e.g. increase gender diversity to 50% of the workforce

Goal 2 – description and end target of goal

Goal 3 – description and end target of goal

Policies and initiatives

              ___________  will achieve our goals and targets through implementation of the following policies and initiatives:

List all relevant policies and initiatives identified and confirm how these will be made available to staff.


_____________________ commits to implementing the Diversity and Inclusion policy through (example text provided):

(a)        all new employees as part of their induction to the business to receive a copy of our diversity policy [~optional~ and complete our diversity training program];

(b)        all existing employees to receive a copy of our diversity policy [~optional~ and complete our diversity training program within 3 months].

 (c)       all employees undertaking a refresher of our diversity training every 18 months.

Your responsibilities

In order for this policy to operate, it is essential that every employee is responsible for the elimination of discriminatory practices, and for the creation of a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Review Process

Outline how the policy will be reviewed and how success will be measured in relation to goals and targets.

_____________________ commits to reviewing the Diversity and Inclusion policy every ________ years, with review to include an assessment of progress relating to each goal based on the identified measurement frameworks:

Goal 1 – include goal  how it will be measured, timeframes for review and resetting of goal (if required)

Goal 2 – include goal, how it will be measured, timeframes for review and resetting of goal (if required)

Goal 3 – include goal, how it will be measured, timeframes for review and resetting of goal (if required)