Latest news on Federal Government’s ‘Tax Integrity Package’
At the UDIA National Council meeting on Tuesday, significant discussion was based on the potential impact of the Federal Government’s proposed changes to GST under their ‘Tax Integrity Package’.
The changes will require purchasers of newly constructed residential properties or new subdivisions to remit GST directly to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as part of settlement. Currently, GST is included in the purchase price and the developer remits the GST to the ATO.
In particular, these changes could impact on developer’s cash flow during the development process.
UDIA has outlined industry concerns with regard to the changes to both the ATO and the Federal Government and we are investigating alternative solutions to address the government’s concerns in relation to the current system, whereby some developers are failing to remit GST to the ATO despite having claimed GST credits on their construction costs.
UDIA is establishing a national committee to address this issue moving forward and we will also seek to collaborate with other industry bodies in order to reinforce our collective concerns to the government.
The relevant legislation is scheduled for introduction to Parliament by mid-year and there is a planned two year transitional period for introduction of the changes.
We will keep members up to date on our progress with this issue.
‘Urban sprawl’ debate reignites
Perth’s urban growth pattern featured as a hot topic across a number of media outlets in the last couple of weeks, with debate about whether Perth is suffering from ‘urban sprawl’. UDIA has responded strongly with evidence that we are in fact developing areas in line with the location of employment and that we should continue to provide a balance of housing supply in existing and new areas.
UDIA CEO Allison Hailes was interviewed on 6PR last Thursday evening to discuss the issues in more detail and outlined how community consultation and education is an important aspect of understanding Perth’s growth and development.
UDIA is also advocating for a policy framework that encourages a range of housing types and new and innovative housing choices in a range or areas that people want to live.
We will continue to represent the industry as a sector that is raising the bar when it comes to providing sustainable, healthy and affordable communities for people to live in a range of locations.
UDIA represents industry on Westport strategy
UDIA’s recent submission on the Westport Taskforce outlined our support for the move forward in planning for the Kwinana outer harbour. However, we did pinpoint several concerns including the need for clarity around future uses for the Port of Fremantle, particularly in terms of how development proposals within and in the vicinity of the port will be managed in both the interim and transition periods leading to the establishment of the outer harbour. We also do not support the apparent master plan for the region.
Moving forward, UDIA is seeking a position on the taskforce to ensure that the urban development industry is represented and a fully collaborative approach is undertaken during the planning and development stages.
Our full submission here
Planning reform – lessons to learn
UDIA’s latest blog unpacks some of the key messages that we believe should be taken into consideration by the new planning reform team that has been established to review the current system. Our recommendations for the team include establishing a clear vision; properly understanding the issues; being bold when considering solutions; and remaining committed to delivering actions. We are looking forward to hearing from the leaders of the reform team, Gail McGowan and Evan Jones, at our upcoming industry luncheon on 22 February. You can read our full blog on the topic here
Latest dwelling approval figures released today
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released their December 2017 building approvals data today that represents a 1.7% decrease in approvals across the nation (in trend terms). The trend estimate for total number of dwelling units approved in Western Australia fell 1.3% in December and has fallen for four months. The trend estimate for the number of private sector houses fell 0.9% in December and has fallen for seven months. More information here
Subi Oval playing surface to be retained
The State Government has announced that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the McGowan Government and the City of Subiaco has been signed that allows for the revocation of the Management Order over Subiaco Oval and Kitchener Park. The MOU confirms the retention of the Subiaco Oval playing surface and the inclusion of a ‘green belt’ to link Mueller Park to the Subiaco Oval playing surface.
According to a statement by Minister Saffioti, the State Government will now take on management responsibility for the Subiaco Oval precinct, which will include school construction, future master planning, WAFC arrangements and the demolition of the grandstands. Master planning will take on board previous work undertaken by the City of Subiaco on the North Subiaco Structure Plan and its associated community consultation.
UDIA is keen to see the redevelopment of the Subiaco Oval site maximise the potential for the area and work to connect with more established precincts in Subiaco to create a strong sense of identity and place and ensure opportunity for growth in local business and vibrancy.
Feedback from members appreciated
UDIA appreciates member feedback on the submissions we currently have in progress in order to better inform our position. Any comments can be sent to for the following submissions:
- SPP 4.1 – Industrial Interface: by 7 February 2018:
- Review of the Waste Strategy – by 19 February 2018:
Burt Street Fremantle: EOI closing soon
The multi-award winning Department of Communities is seeking an Expression of Interest for an exciting high density built-form development opportunity in the heart of Fremantle. Closing Friday, 16 February, 2018 at 2:30pm Perth, Western Australia.
Visit Tenders WA to download the project document.
For more information, view the promotional video here.
Australia’s emissions rate slows
According to the latest National Energy Emissions Audit from the Australia Institute, Australia’s energy emissions continue to increase, though at a slower rate than previous years. Petroleum consumption is the main driver of the increase in Australia’s emissions while emissions related to electricity consumption have declined. More details in the full report here
National Congress attracts international flavour
A huge line up of international speakers is featuring on this year’s UDIA National Congress program including Neal Payton, Principal, Torti Gallas + Partners from Los Angeles and Kathleen Norris Managing Vice Principal, Urban Fast Forward from Cincinnati, USA. Find out more about Congress, which is being hosted in Melbourne from March 20 – 22nd here
Raise your profile & build your brand in the WA Development Industry; 2018 Sponsorship Opportunities with UDIA WA
With a new President, a revised business plan and a refreshed team, UDIA WA has an exciting future and we are gearing up to deliver exceptional member value into 2018 and beyond!
We are proud to present here a refreshed sponsorship offering to our members. We’ve worked hard to ensure the sponsorship options cover a range of investment levels, presenting everyone with an opportunity to get involved.
Whether you seek an annual partnership that offers extensive engagement, simple brand awareness through a one off sponsorship, or advertising options to get your key messages out into the market; we’re confident you’ll find an option that will meet your needs. Terms can be negotiated to round out the 2017/2018 financial year, or to tie in with the new 2018 calendar year. Just let us know what works for you, and we can tailor a solution to deliver the outcomes required!
Should you have any questions or require additional information to assist with your considerations, or wish to discuss packaging options that meet your budget & will complement your marketing strategies, please contact Erin Meikle (Director Commercial & Member services) at UDIA – 08 9215 3409 or
Download the 2018 Sponsorship prospectus here