Strata Titles legislation passes Parliament

UDIA is pleased to advise that the Strata Titles Amendment Bill passed Parliament today. UDIA has welcomed the swift passage of the legislation and commends the government and opposition parties on the collaborative effort to pass the legislation with agreed amendments.

The Bill went to the Standing Committee on Legislation last month for consideration of Part 12 in relation to the termination of Strata Title Schemes and whether they provided sufficient safeguards for vulnerable people. Resulting amendments have been included in the final legislation.

The updated legislation will ensure that we can improve strata living arrangements through better regulation of strata managers and improved dispute resolution processes.

The Community Titles Bill is still in the Legislative Council and minor amendments have been made to the Bill. The Bill will go through the third reading stage in the Legislative Council and then will go back to the Legislative Assembly for agreement before it is passed. It is hoped this will occur in the next week or two.

UDIA has worked collaboratively with the government to achieve strata reform in WA given the importance of the proposed reforms in achieving better housing outcomes such as affordability, diversity and sustainability.

UDIA will keep members up to date on progress.

New land price down

UDIA has released the September Quarter 2018 edition of the Urban Development Index that shows new residential land in Perth is amongst the cheapest in Australia.  The average price of new land is down 2.3% for the quarter and down 3.9% over the year to $225,578. Making residential lots in Perth cheaper than in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and on par with Adelaide.

While the current downturn has lasted longer than many of us expected, UDIA has advised that there is light at the end of the tunnel, as green shoots emerge in the broader economy that are reflected in mining activity and growing full-time employment.

UDIA CEO Allison Hailes discussed the market and the fantastic opportunities available to buyers on Channel 9’s TODAY show on Tuesday morning, outlining the value of new house and land packages.

The UDI provides a comprehensive run down on all the latest land market data for the quarter covering lot sales, what is on the market and construction activity with information on location and size as well as average prices across local government areas.

Members can download the full UDI report free of charge here.

More information can also be viewed in the latest edition of the Land Report that was published in The Weekend West and The Sunday Times here.

UDIA AGM catalyst for change  

UDIA members gathered for the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday to hear about the Institute’s activities in 2017/18. Despite challenging market conditions, this year has been a year of solid growth for UDIA as the transition to the new organisational structure was completed and we pursued a clear set of goals and objectives for the period.

UDIA is cognisant of the pressure that many of our members have been experiencing in recent years and always endeavours to ensure that members interests and issues are strongly represented to government and we are delivering the services and business development opportunities that our members need.

Several amendments to the UDIA WA Constitution were also approved for adoption at the meeting in order to modernise the UDIA Constitution, reflect our expanding membership base, and ensure that the Institute, as an Incorporated Association, is compliant with the updated Associations Incorporation Act 2016 (WA).

Some of the amendments include modifications to the membership categories to bring them into line with other UDIA branches; simplify the membership categories for the purposes of membership rights; and provide greater clarity as to which category an applicant falls into.

Other amendments were in relation to the membership application process; voting rights; fees; and Council meeting requirements.

If you are interested in finding out more about UDIA’s achievements over the last financial year including reports from the President, CEO, Treasurer and Committee Chairs, please download a copy of the Annual Report here.

Peak bodies meet

Senior representatives of UDIA, MBA, HIA and REIWA met at UDIA this week for a combined discussion about the state of the property market, WA’s economic outlook and the impact this is having on the industry and its supply chains.  Potential short and medium terms options to stimulate the market were explored and it was agreed that the peak bodies would work collaboratively together in the coming weeks to develop a united position and recommendations that could be taken to government for consideration.  Further advice will be made available as work progresses.

State of the states released

The State of the States report released by CommSec on Monday shows that while WA’s economy has been one of the worst performing, there are green shoots emerging that are reflected in mining activity and growing full-time employment.

Western Australia is seventh or eighth on all indicators (eighth on three indicators). But equipment spending is now the highest in 3½ years.

Victoria remains the top of the economic performance rankings. Victoria ranks first on economic growth, unemployment and construction work done.

See full report here.

GST at settlement draft law changes: update

The Department of Treasury has released a Miscellaneous amendments to Treasury portfolio laws 2018 exposure draft Bill and Regulations. The draft changes to the GST at settlement law are as follows:

  • Notification by suppliers of residential premises: To assist the purchaser with identifying who is ultimately liable to GST on the supply, and therefore who the payment to the ATO should be made in relation to, the amendment to subparagraph 14-255(1)(b)(i) refers to the person who is liable to pay the GST on the supply, rather than the entity that made the supply.
  • Refund by Commissioner of amount withheld from payment in respect of a supply of real property: Where a payment is made purportedly under section 14-250, the supply to which the purported payment relates may not be a taxable supply. For example, if it is of existing residential premises, then that supply will be input taxed and not a taxable supply. To remove doubt that a payment can be made in relation to a purported payment under section 14-250 where the supply to which it relates is later discovered not to be a taxable supply, Schedule 1 to the exposure draft Bill removes the word ‘taxable’ from the section
  • Machinery provisions applying to administrative penalties under Subdivision 14-E: The amendment updates section 298 5 to ensure administrative penalties imposed under Subdivision 14 E in Schedule 1 to the TAA 1953 are covered by Division 298.

Incorrect supplier details on form 1:

  • Some vendors are providing incorrect notification to the purchaser on the supplier details to be entered into the form.
  • The supplier/s is the entity that has the GST liability and will be entitled to the GST property credit.
  • An example of the issue we are seeing is notifying the supplier as ABC Pty Ltd (which doesn’t have a GST role) whereas it should be The trustee for the ABC Unit Trust.

Inquiries about supplier credits

We are also experiencing some credit allocation/transfer issues that we are addressing, so if a vendor/supplier needs to inquire about their GST property credits they can email their inquiry to and provide the following details:

  • Details of the inquiry
  • Supplier name
  • Supplier ABN
  • Purchaser name/s
  • Credit amount
  • Lodgement reference number (LRN) or payment reference number (PRN)
  • Property details
  • Settlement date
  • Preferable contact name and number

Latest building approvals data released reflects mixed results

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released their Building Approvals data on Tuesday, with approvals for houses lifting 1.1% in WA for the September quarter to sit at 3,366. That is 12.4% lower than the same quarter in 2017.

Approvals for houses in Greater Perth (84% of the WA total) also increased 3.7% to 2,824, 9.3% lower year-on-year (YoY).

The total value of new WA residential building jobs fell 4.2% in the September quarter to $1.495 billion, 1.3% lower than levels at the same time last year. Of this total: $1.353 billion was for new residential construction jobs and $142.17 million was for alterations and additions.

More details here.

Share your views on the gas network

ATCO is committed to the continued growth of the gas network as it provides new households and businesses with energy choice and the ability to manage their energy costs. As a regulated business, they have recently submitted their Access Arrangement for the 2020-24 period to the Economic Regulation Authority (ERA). The ERA has since published its ‘Issues Paper on Proposed Revisions to the Mid-West and South-West Gas Distribution Systems Access Arrangement for 2020-2024’ and is currently inviting interested parties to comment on specific components of the plan.

Of particular interest to our members is the area of the plan that relates to the reticulation of gas in sub-divisions. To help developers overcome barriers to connecting commercial subdivisions to the network, ATCO’s 2020-24 Plan incorporates a new development rebate scheme. Under the proposed scheme, a developer that makes a contribution to the cost of installing the gas network, will receive a rebate following the connection of new customers for some or all of the funding it originally contributed.

ATCO estimates it will connect 78,900 new residential and small commercial customers to gas in new subdivisions during the five year period of the Access Arrangement and has allocated $143.7 million to complete the works.  ATCO is one of the most efficient operators in the country and is focused on completing installations at the lowest possible cost. This includes working with developers and home builders to use common trenching installation of new mains and services. Growth forecasts are dependent on external factors including housing market and population growth and this is why the support of members is critical to ensuring that new residential and small commercial consumers continue to have energy choice.

It is ATCO’s view that you can make a valuable contribution to the ERA’s process by making a submission to support ATCO’s growth over the 2020-24 period and we would encourage you to share your views on the growth of new subdivisions and the development rebate scheme. Submissions are due November 14, 2018 via the ERA’s online submission form

If you require any further information, ATCO’s Russell James, General Manager Business Development and Customer Experience can be contacted via email

UDIA members recognised at WA Water Awards

The 2018 WA Water Award winners were announced at last Friday’s Australian Water Association Dinner.  UDIA member Coterra Environment were recognised for their work on the UDIA EnviroDevelopment certified project Rosehill Waters, which won the Grahame Heal Water Sensitive Urban Design Award.

An innovative water management strategy has been achieved at Rosehill Waters, which takes advantage of the unique existing environmental opportunities present at the site. Rosehill Waters was developed by Noahs Rosehill Waters with hydrology and environmental expertise provided by Coterra Environment. Congratulations to the team!

More information on the awards and all the category winners can be found here.

UDIA supporting Youth Futures this Christmas

Each year up to 6000 young West Australians will not have a safe secure place to stay. Through the Youth Focus homelessness and Education services, almost 150 young people will have a brighter Christmas and UDIA will be supporting this important cause at our Christmas Luncheon on Friday 7 December.

Through the Youth Foucs Christmas Cheer program, support workers will deliver a special package for each young person. The package contains essentials such as toiletries and stationary, and some treats to help them celebrate the Christmas period.

Support from UDIA members will help achieve the delivery of these special packages, ensuring that the young people have a smile on their face this Christmas.

The Youth Focus organisation started as a simple idea to minimise youth homelessness in 1986 when a group of passionate community members decided to seek funding for a crisis accommodation refuge in Perth’s northern suburbs. TINOCA (Teenagers in Need of Crisis Accommodation) opened in 1988, and still offers young people experiencing homelessness with safe, secure accommodation today.

Youth Futures supports thousands of disadvantaged and disengaged young people each year through a variety of homelessness, education and support programs with a vision for a community where young people are valued, respected and celebrated.

UDIA is proud to partner with Youth Focus at our Christmas Luncheon in 2018 and our guests will have an opportunity to support this worth cause on the day.

Please register for the luncheon here.

UDIA responds: discussion paper on Cost Recovery for the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

UDIA made a submission this week to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on their cost recovery discussion paper.  In our response, we recognised the need to ensure that Government departments are appropriately resourced to undertake their statutory duties. Therefore in principle we did not object to the fee increases proposed by the Department, providing that the fee increases are accompanied with comparable improvements in service delivery and timeframes.

We therefore requested further clarity on how funds gathered from the increased fees are to be spent to achieve the improvements described within the discussion paper.

The full submission can be viewed here.

LWP Property Group and PRM Property Group set to merge

Two valued UDIA members, LWP Property Group and PRM Property Group, have announced that they will merge their two organisations effective 1 December 2018.

The merged group brings together two of Western Australia’s most respected and awarded developers of large scale urban communities.

The group will operate under the LWP Property Group name and have 20 projects in Western Australia in addition to LWP’s Huntlee New Town project in New South Wales.

UDIA congratulates both organisations on a positive partnership moving forward.

We want your feedback!

UDIA is currently working on several submissions on behalf of members.  We encourage you to forward any feedback to these items to

The DPLH and DWER joint discussion paper on Planning for Entertainment Noise in the Northbridge Area is out for comment. Submissions are due by 26 November, 2018. More information here.

The next stage of the Local Government Act Review has been released for comment, with submissions closing 31 March, 2019. More information here.

First lots released within Peel Business Park

Twelve lots have been released within the Peel Business Park, which the state government hopes will be a major jobs precinct for industrial and agricultural investment in Nambeelup.

Peel Industrial Park has been in planning for more than a decade, and these lots are the first allotment within the 120-hectare first stage, which forms part of the wider 1,000-hectare park.

An earlier expression of interest project has shown early demand for the lots, with nine agri-businesses or general industrial companies wanting to relocate or start new businesses at Peel Business Park.

Part of stage one will be the construction of a renewable energy micro grid, which is expected to be one of the largest for an industrial development in Australia. In November, LandCorp will be awarding the first construction contract for the trunk infrastructure works with planned commencement in early 2019.