Membership Organisation
UDIA is the peak membership organisation representing all aspects of the property development industry in Western Australia.
We are the leading voice on property development in WA and work collaboratively with government and other industry bodies to represent our members and achieve a policy environment that enables the world’s best practice in property development in our state.
UDIA promotes excellence and innovation in the creation of sustainable communities. We educate stakeholders about the value of city and town creation.
Our work is based on quality research and knowledge, the institute addresses a range of policy issues and produces expert market commentary and information.
Our members operate in metropolitan and regional areas and work in all aspects of urban development including land, built form and infrastructure across residential, commercial and mixed uses.
Our Purpose
Great places + housing choice = better lives
Our Mission
Lead, influence and deliver remarkable member value for a strong urban development industry

Our Vision
Diverse living options in thriving, connected communities

The UDIA Team is available during office hours to assist with member enquiries and discuss UDIA activities:
Tanya Steinbeck
Chief Executive Officer

Sarah Macaulay
Executive Director Strategy & Policy

Gemma Osiejak
Executive Manager Communications & Engagement

Claire Howard
Executive Manager Commercial Operations

Toby Adams
Head of Research National & WA

Isaac George
Policy Officer

Nijeeya Renju
Industry Education Officer

Chris Thurmott
Business Development Officer

Renan Cardoso
Data and Research Analyst

Aaron Muilne
Digital Media & Communications Officer

Tasma Doncon
Event Coordinator

Jade Campbell
Member Services Officer

Office Doggo

UDIA WA Council
Richard Pappas (President)
Celsius Developments

Grant Shepherd (Vice President)

Greg Rowe (Vice President)
Rowe Group

Adam Shephard (Treasurer)
Okeland Communities

Jane Bennett
CLE Town Planning + Design

Glen McLeod
McLeod Fisher & Hamdorf

Lyle Kenny
Perron Group

Nathan Butson
Cossill & Webley Pty Ltd

Justine Roberts
Kingston Development Group

Karl White
Cedar Woods

Craig Shepherd
Scyne Advisory

Ryan Hunter
Parcel Property

Andrew Wallis

Emma Kalo
ABN Group

UDIA WA Committees & Working Groups
In 2023, along with a new Purpose, Vision, and Mission, the UDIA WA Council endorsed a revised governance structure to ensure strategic alignment and a focus on driving outcomes. Two new Strategic Committees have been formed and these are supported by six Operational Committees, a multiple-disciplinary Expert Pool, and Working Groups.
UDIA WA five policy-focused committees (which comprise our Advocacy & Thought Leadership Strategic Committee, and Infill Development & Precincts, Masterplanned Communities, Infrastructure, and Environment & Climate Action Operational Committees) assist in leading the planning, implementation and delivery of UDIA WA’s policy and advocacy agenda and help identify and address strategic opportunities and challenges faced by the urban development industry.
We also have three committees (our Education, Connection & Excellence Strategic Committee, and Professional Development and Community & Consumer Conversations Operational Committees) focused on helping us to maximise the value we deliver to our members and ensure continued growth.
You can find out more about the committees in boxes below.

Glen McLeod (Chair)
McLeod Fisher & Hamdorf

Andrew Wallis (Deputy Chair)

Jane Bennett
CLE Town Design + Planning

Dave Parsons

Steve Carter
Qube Property

Ryan Hunter
Parcel Property

Jason Hick
Emerge Associates

Samantha Thompson
Taylor Burrell Barnett

Jay Walter
JWH Group

Scott Cameron

Lucy Shea
Clayton Utz

Stuart Gardiner
Peet Limited

David Cresp

Tiffany Allen (Chair)
Construction Training Fund

Adam Shephard (Deputy Chair)
Okeland Communities

Karen Hyde
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

Vivienne Mossman
Underground Power Development

Clay Thomas
Perth Airport

Vanessa Trager

Steve Claudio
Parcel Property

Kris Nolan

Ryan Hunter (Chair)
Parcel Property

Nathan Butson (Deputy Chair)
Cossill & Webley

Tom Barry

Cameron Leckey
Rise Urban

Julia Griffiths
Peet Limited

Brian O’Keefe

Michael Arena

Craig Raynor

Brad Ellett
Underground Power Development

Mark Busher
Water Corporation

Mitchell Dirksz
Western Power

Shane Wormall
Wormall Civil

Mariam Yaqub

Shane Highman
Porter Consulting Engineers

Dave Parsons (Chair)

Megan Gammon (Deputy Chair)

Gavin Hawkins
Edge Visionary Living

Kate Whitton

Andrew Brodie
Hatch RobertsDay

Lachlan McCaffrey

Richard Pappas
Celsius Developments

Dave Wilson
Norup + Wilson

Justin Mansillas

Luke Reinecke

Trent Will
Taylor Burrell Barnett

Simon Burnell
CLE Town Planning + Design

Andrew Tucker
Pritchard Francis

Dave Coremans
Emerge Associates
Shaun Oostryck
Encon Project Management

Steve Carter (Chair)
Qube Property

Rachel Chapman (Deputy Chair)
Taylor Burrell Barnett

Brenton Downing
Celsius Property Group

Kasia Majewski

Lucian Iacob
Hatch RobertsDay

Ben Killigrew

Daniel Martinovich
CLE Town Planning + Design

Tony Aleksovski

George Hajigabriel
Rowe Group

Louise Nazareth

Hamish Gleeson
Summit Homes Group

Shane McSweeney
Pentium Water

Mitch Brown

Jonathon Small

Trish Edgar
Observer – DWER

Jason Hick (Chair)
Emerge Associates

Karl White (Deputy Chair)
Cedar Woods

John Halleen (Deputy Chair)
Pentium Water

Jey Shivakumar
Cossill & Webley

Matt Craven-Kelly
Parcel Property

Nivia Guiffre

Craig Wallace

Daniel Panickar
Western Environmental

Adam James

Nicole Barnao
Barnao Property

Luke Oliver
Satterley Property Group

Peter Dockett
Richard Noble & Company

Joshua Leigh

Peter Howard
Water Corporation

Sean Walsh
Observer – DBCA
Kylie La Spina
Observer – DWER

Karen Hyde (Chair)
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

Kris Nolan

Simone Wolf
Celsius Property Group

Sam Jarman
Perth Airport

Talia Turner

Les Oakley

Blaine Hall-Jones
Satterley Property Group

Dan Wilkie

Adrian Talbot
Homes for Homes

Vivienne Mossman (Chair)
Underground Power Development

Jordan Williams (Deputy Chair)
Satterley Property Group

Sheridan Hunter

Tareq Majrouh
Cossill & Webley

David Beyer

Christopher Carman
Benchmark Projects Australasia

Andrew Carville
Red Door Planning Group
Mike O’Donoghue
Wormall Civil

Tamara Vreeken
Niche Planning Studio

Alan Burman
Nikki D’Agostino
The Efficiency Co

Gia Barrington (Chair)
Parcel Property

Max Watkins

Gareth Ringrose
CLE Town Planning + Design

Farida Farrag
Taylor Burrell Barnett

Stephen Holmes

Daniel Frampton
Scyne Advisory

Kate Eagleton

Adam D’Alessandro
Woodsome Management

Lauren de Verteuil

Sandy Huynh

Matthew Hansen
Cossill & Webley

Nick Grindrod
Rise Urban

James Daw

Jane Bennett (Working Group Chair)
CLE Town Planning + Design

Anthony Fisk
ReGEN Strategic

Luke Middleton
Water Corporation

Craig Wallace

Les Oakley
Heidi Ambury
Catherine Holland
Infrastructure WA

Gemma Osiejak
The purpose of the Advocacy & Thought Leadership Strategic Committee is to support the UDIA WA Council and Executive team in identifying and driving our strategic policy priorities, ensuring we remain an effective advocate and continue to demonstrate thought leadership to enable diverse living options in thriving, connected communities.
The purpose of the Education, Connection & Excellence Strategic Committee is to support the UDIA WA Council and Executive team in enhancing member value and ensuring UDIA WA’s continued growth as a thriving member organisation in support of a strong urban development industry.
The purpose of the Infrastructure Committee is to seek the timely provision of infrastructure and services to unlock land for development and accelerate diverse housing supply to meet the need of new and existing communities.
The purpose of the Infill Developments & Precincts Operational Committee is to support the acceleration of diverse and affordable housing supply through identifying opportunities and removing barriers to achieving high quality medium and higher density built form, and the development of thriving and connected precincts.
The purpose of the Masterplanned Communities Operational Committee is to support the acceleration of affordable housing supply through identifying opportunities and removing barriers to creating liveable masterplanned communities.
The purpose of the Environment & Climate Action Operational Committee is to seek a regulatory framework which supports balanced environmental and land use planning outcomes and to support industry in responding to climate change.
The purpose of the Community & Consumer Conversations Operational Committee is to help enhance the reputation of the industry and drive positive conversations and interactions with the communities in which our members operate to support delivery of diverse housing options and thriving communities.
The purpose of the Professional Development Operational Committee is to support and promote continuous improvement and high professional standards within the industry, and ensure UDIA WA’s educational offerings meet the needs of members and the industry.
The role of Outlook Committee is to promote opportunities for professional development, networking, growth and engagement of emerging and existing young professionals within the property development sector. It will have up to 15 members, Chaired by a Committee member and administered by Committee members.
UDIA WA’s Reconciliation Action Plan
UDIA WA’s REFLECT Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) represents our commitment to take real action to support reconciliation in Australia.
Formally endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, our RAP forms part of a network of more than 3,000 corporate, government, and not-for-profit organisations that have made a formal commitment to reconciliation.
It has been developed with guidance from our RAP Working Group, over three years of listening, learning, and engaging with Aboriginal stakeholders and the wider development industry.
We strongly believe in providing leadership to the broader urban development industry in respect to reconciliation and more meaningful engagement with the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which we and our members operate.
Our RAP actions are focused on building a strong foundation to progress our reconciliation journey in a meaningful way.
To learn more about UDIA WA’s Reconciliation Action Plan, you can download it here.
Code of Conduct
A UDIA Member Should:
Demonstrate ethical principles and observe the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all professional and personal dealings.
Uphold and promote the reputation of the Urban Development Institute of Australia (WA) and not misuse authority of office for personal gain.
Respect the confidentiality of information given to the member in the course of the Institute’s work.
Engage in continued learning to maintain and improve professional skills and competence within the industry and promote innovation and excellence in practice.
Strive to achieve environmentally, economically and socially sustainable development.
Show respect for the rights of consumers and maintain the public’s confidence and trust in the Development Industry.